New Release in the Crime Thriller Series: A Nun With A Gun from Mark Posey
SRP author Mark Posey launches the next story in his new crime thriller series, A Nun With A Gun!
They have her attention, but they may not live to regret it.
To flush Sister Jacobine out of hiding, the Vatican’s Black Ops team shoot Detective Rafferty. While he clings to life, they kidnap Geraldine Rafferty and her daughters. The Black Ops team will stop at nothing to ensure Sister Jacobine returns to Rome with them.
Will she surrender or will the Black Ops team face Excommunication?
A Nun With A Gun is a series of short stories and novelettes about Sister Jacobine, the Pope’s hitwoman. They are best read in order.
1.0 Feet of Clay
2.0 A Port in the Storm
3.0 Excommunication
4.0 Requiem Mass
5.0 Den of Lions
6.0 The Narrow Gate
Thriller Short Stories
P.S. If you have yet to indulge in the new series, the first book, Feet of Clay is still only 99c.
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