A Nun with a Gun Series
Mystery Thriller Short Story Omnibus

More books by Mark Posey
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This Omnibus Edition collects the six Nun With A Gun stories into a single volume, The Book of Jacobine.
The Pope calls Alice Fisher—Sister Jacobine—his giusta mano destra or “righteous right hand.” At his behest, she deals with those who step outside of the Church’s doctrines and, through their actions, dishonor His Holiness. Alice’s unique skillset and God-given gifts make her particularly well-suited as the Pope’s enforcer.
Powerful forces inside the Church target Sister Jacobine, to weaken His Holiness’ preeminence and further their own dark agenda. Alice must use her considerable skills and resources to safeguard those closest to her, including His Holiness himself.
When a Vatican hit squad targets her, Alice turns to the only person she can count on for help—the Philadelphia Police Detective who arrested her for murder.
Feet of Clay, the first Jacobine story, was released as a standalone short on September 1, 2020. Due to reader demand, the rest of the stories were released over the next six weeks.
A Nun With A Gun is a series of short stories and novelettes about Sister Jacobine, the Pope’s hitwoman. They are best read in order.
1.0 Feet of Clay
2.0 A Port in the Storm
3.0 Excommunication
4.0 Requiem Mass
5.0 Den of Lions
6.0 The Narrow Gate
Thriller Short Story Omnibus

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Sister Jacobine's (aka Alice) stories are a fun roller-coaster! I was captivated by the action, characters and the mysteries that unfolded. I loved that each book revealed more of the complexities of the characters and yet there was still fast paced action throughout. In each book I was intrigued to find out how Sister was going to pull off her impressive escape from the latest imbroglio.
Sometimes we saw a little hint of the background and had hints of how this will affect Alice in the future. Alice is still a mysterious woman with such calm, despite the unusual variety of situations she finds herself in.
Succinct and well written, The Nun With A Gun series keeps the thrills and mystery alive and thriving! I have no particular interest in religious or thriller stories but Mark Posey writes Alice's story so well that I think I would enjoy whatever he wrote!
I recommend starting at book one and taking time to savour each of these novelettes packed full of intrigue and engaging characters. I'm looking forward to the upcoming full length novel about Alice's next challenges and adventures.
The Book of Jacobine, by Mark Posey, is the collection of all six short stories and novelettes in the “A Nun with A Gun” series, about Sister Jacobine, hitman for the Pope.
Feet of Clay is the first chapter. A chance encounter with Rachel Rafferty and her brother, a Philadelphia police detective, tilts the Sister’s world, and start a domino effect. It’s a great introduction to the characters, and gives some of the backstory to this unique character.
A Port in the Storm, continues the story. This time, instead of working for her boss, the boss is out to terminate her services, permanently. Having nowhere else to go, Sister Jacobine lands on the doorstep of Detective Rafferty and his family, bringing trouble with her.
Excommunication, continues the story. Trouble has arrived at the door of Detective Rafferty and his family. Sister Jacobine must find a way to save the Detective, in the hospital dying of a gunshot wound, while dealing with the kidnapping of his wife and daughters.
Requiem Mass. Damage has been done, and there will be retribution. The perpetrators think they know what’s coming, but they don’t really understand until it’s too late.
Den of Lions. Sister Jacobine’s enemies within the Vatican are still there, working across the sea to destroy her. This time, she’s pushed further away from the protection of the Pope, and out into the world on her own. Strangely enough, there are still old friends around. Very old friends.
Narrow Gate. She’s lost a lover, will lose a friend, and soon could lose herself. The pace slows for Alice, as she spends time with someone from her past, even as a new killer is on the loose. The carding card left on the bodies are just like those she normally leaves, but they aren’t hers. Great twist at the end setting up, hopefully, another, longer, chapter in this unique series.
Great story. It is fast paced and has well done, complex characters. They combine with a plot full of action and suspense to make a book that keeps you interested until the very end.
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The stillness in the sitting room would have been eerie had Alice not sat waiting to kill a man countless times before.
What would he have done differently if he had known today was his last day on earth?
A car pulled up to the curb in front of the brownstone. The headlights shut off and the lone occupant stepped out.
Her left hand moved from the arm of the chair to the butt of the 10mm Tanfoglio Force resting in her lap. The suppressor screwed to the end of the barrel would help the neighbors presume someone had merely slammed a door.
McGinty strode up the walkway to the front door.
Alice could barely think of him as Bishop McGinty, now. His continued dalliances with pre-teen members of congregations in the archdiocese had left His Holiness no alternative.
She remained still. Any movement might attract his attention. He stepped inside, flicked on the foyer light and shut and locked the door.
He turned from the door, took one step into the sitting room, and froze.
She leveled the Tanfoglio at him. “Bishop McGinty.” The title emerged like a swear word.
His gaze swept over her and paused on the black veil with the white band. He swallowed, his jaw sagged, and he licked his lips.
The weakest ones always wept and begged for their lives. Some would try to bargain their way out of trouble. A very few waited defiantly, their false bravado doing them as little good as begging or bargaining.
McGinty surprised her. She could see acceptance on his face, and fear. He knew exactly why she was here and the uselessness of trying to avoid his fate.
She gestured with the Tanfoglio. “I bring you greetings from His Holiness.”
A wet spot appeared on the front of his pants.
Now, it would start. It would also end. She was not in the mood.
He took a hesitant step forward and she squeezed the trigger. The Tanfoglio bucked in her hand, giving off a loud pop despite the suppressor. A 10mm spot of red appeared in the center of McGinty’s forehead.
The back of his skull and half his brain splattered across the wall behind him.
She slid the Tanfoglio into her tan Gucci handbag. She used the bag just for these occasions. It had always done its part.
She rose and knelt beside the body. With the thumb of her right hand she drew a cross on his forehead in blood, the bullet hole at the center.
She bowed her head. “Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, we pray for your servant, McGinty, and commend him to your mercy. For his sake you came down from heaven; receive him now into the joy of your kingdom. For though he has sinned, he has not denied the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but has believed in God and has worshipped his Creator. Amen.”
She was glad the requirement of wearing a habit had been done away with years ago. Although she did prefer to wear the traditional black veil with white banding, the long and flowing robes always snagged on the barrel of the gun and the blood stained them. Knives and short broadswords had also been a problem. The habit had often ended up torn, in addition to bloody.
The grey Armani tweed suit she had chosen to wear tonight would not get in the way. Just to be safe, she had worn the suit pants rather than the pencil skirt. Along with the sensible, low-heeled shoes, better for her if she had any chasing or running to do. Although, chasing a target down and shooting them in the street was problematic, no matter the outfit.
She stood, adjusted the lay of the veil across her shoulders, picked up her Gucci bag and stepped out into the night, locking the door behind her.