Reach out!

We had a very professional contact form here for several years.

Now, spammers use on-site forms to send mega amounts of spam that can’t be blocked because we do want legitimate email to come through to us. If we block them, we also block you, which we don’t want.

Sayonara, contact form.

If you genuinely need to contact us, send an email to admin at Stories Rule Press dot com.

If you send spam or unsolicited junk mail, we will simply block you so you can’t reach us in the future. Or our server-side spam filter, which is not stupid, will ensure we never see your email in the first place.

We do welcome legitimate contact — please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We generally answer within the day, especially if we’re looking for an excuse to avoid writing. 🙂

If you are a writer, check out our Submission Calls, and the Writer’s Page.  Also our Services for Authors.

The Authors at SRP.