Ptolemy Lane Tales 2.0
Space Opera Science Fiction Novelette

More books by Cameron Cooper
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Ptolemy Jovan Lane meets his next adventure.
Lane’s personal cargo is jettisoned while traveling back to Georgina’s Town after the death of a friend. Lane confronts Captain Sandor and learns the ship is being pursued by slavers. Captain Sandor’s response to the disaster is anything but typical. Nor is she above roping in Lane to help…
“The Captain Who Broke The Rules” is the second Ptolemy Lane space opera science fiction story by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper.
The Ptolemy Lane Tales:
1.0: The Body in the Zero Gee Brothel
2.0: The Captain Who Broke the Rules
3.0: The Maker of Widowmakers’ Arm
4.0: The Ancient Girl in the Autopod
5.0: The Return of the Peacemaker
5.5: Ptolemy Lane Tales Omnibus
This series can also be bought as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Space Opera, Science Fiction, Novels, Novelettes}

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The Captain Who Broke The Rules (Ptolemy Lane Tales Book 2) is a very short story and easy read. Cooper was still able to flesh out the main characters pretty well. It’s a small universe as we learn that a total of six individuals in the universe have something truly horrible in common, and two of them are on the same ship. The storyline appears to be putting everyone on board in the most serious danger imaginable. I found the story very intriguing and really want to get into the characters more. Looking forward to furthering adventures in space sleuthing. This is an honest review of an ARC copy.
Excellent fast-paced detective noir space opera novella full of enough twists and turns you never quite know what is coming next. This is the type of book that keeps you on the edge of your seat eagerly flipping pages. You won't want to put it down once you start.
A seemingly straight-forward situation becomes increasingly complex and dangerous as this story progresses. It is a tightly told tale with no wasted words and enough exposition to easily keep track of all the new players as the story unfolds.
This is the second book in the Ptolemy Lane series and while the events of this book follow after book one, this book can be read and enjoyed without having read the previous, however I highly recommend reading in order as the world building is fabulous and I'm looking forward to seeing what all these hints and pieces are leading to as the series progresses.
What an exciting and intriguing story. So much happens in such a short time. I felt like I was catapulted right into the midst of the spaceship crisis.
I love the succinct but complex world-building which creates new concepts and creatures so different from anything I've read about before.
Ptolemy Lane is a mysterious character who slowly reveals a little about himself in each novel and always with such a delightful twist!
I was captivated by the story and blown away by how it all unfolded.
There's nothing predictable about these stories! It's an addictive series!
COWABUNGA, that's all I can think to say about this second book in the series, one full of new information about lawman Ptolemy Lane and a strong new heroine, the Captain who broke the rules. Right off at the start we have trouble and it only gets worse from there. We learn about the horrendous background of the captain and the reason for her unusual actions concerning her ship and passengers. They work together to try and save both ship and those that are still left. Meanwhile, Lane figures out who's really after the ship and why. A little side comment here, how in the heck does the author think up such a GRUESOME, LOATHSOME, CREATURE. You have to read this next in series book to learn not only all the action between my lines, but the surprising detail Lane gives us in the last sentence of the story. Highly recommended to all sci-fi readers who love mystery and thrills.
I really enjoyed this second book. The mystery and space hi-jinks just keep on coming. I highly recommend this series and cannot wait for the next installment.
This is a really great second story in this series about Ptolemy Lane, the peace keeper of Georgina's Town. he is aboard the Jay Mayen Island, a spaceship piloted by Captain Sandor. She jettisons the cargo bay into space, and that begins a very interesting adventure. Things certainly are not boring around Ptolemy Lane. I could not put this book down, right until the very last interesting sentence.
The Captain Who Broke the Rules, by Cameron Cooper, is the second novella in the Ptolemy Lane series. This is a fascinating universe Cooper has created, that leaves the reader panting for more. Lane is a “peacekeeper” for a domed city out on the fringes of space. In the first novella, The Body in the Zero Gee Brothel, he solves a double murder, and piques the interest of the reader. In this installment, Lane is en route back to his home, when he encounters murder, mayhem, and the loss of his luggage. This time we get a glimpse into his back story that leaves the reader hanging, anticipating more story. I can’t wait for the next installment. Great series.
Ptolemy Lane is traveling across space when all on board are notified their cargo has been jettisoned. He knows this means extra speed was needed, and that someone is on their tail; most likely a slaver. The “rule” is to let them board and take a few people, saving the rest. The captain did not do this.
This is an intricate plot, and every time you think you know where the author is taking you, you are wrong. Clever, action-packed and leaves you eager for the next installment
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On my third day aboard the Jan Mayen Island, I woke to find a memo from Captain Sandor waiting for me to accept delivery.
This is to inform you that at 02.47.45 hours this morning, ship’s time, the following cargo containers with serial numbers registered to your passenger profile were jettisoned.
As a state of emergency was in force at the time, no warranties can be claimed.
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your journey aboard the Jan Mayen Island.
Cptn. D. Sandor
I skipped breakfast. I couldn’t have eaten it, anyway. Instead, I headed for the Courtyard, where the thirty or so passengers on the JMI tended to spend their waking hours, to get away from the cramped quarters. At least you could stretch out your legs in the Courtyard.
I wasn’t there to stretch my legs, though. Not today. My intention was to find out why my cargo had been dumped, and what I could do about it. There was always a senior crew member on hand in the Courtyard. They rotated through concierge duty one after the other, and no one but the Captain herself was exempt.
Thirty seconds in the Courtyard told me mine was not an isolated case. Everyone was bunched around the poor sod of an officer who’d snagged this shift, their voices lifted in protested, demanding their possessions back.
“That was everything I own!”
“We’ve moving to Bryant. How the hell are we supposed to survive on Bryant with nothing? It’s a class three settlement!”
“It took me ninety years to build that collection!”
The officer was a slip of a girl, with a smart board and patience that was wearing thin. I lingered long enough to hear her start to repeat herself, then turned and scanned the Courtyard. The crew common room was on the other side of the Courtyard, through a wide doorway.
I headed over there and was halted at the opening by a sergeant who was a bit bigger than the girl trying to placate the other passengers, but not as big as me.
He didn’t seem to be bothered by the weight and height differences. “Sorry, this area is for crew only.” He didn’t move a centimeter, not even when I got up close.
“That’s right. I’m looking for the Captain.” I peered over his shoulder and around the common room. It had smaller tables and chairs, the same food printers that were in the Courtyard, and off-duty crew gobbling down breakfast.
Among them I spotted the Captain’s cap of black hair, half-a-head higher than anyone else at her table. “Captain!” I shouted.
She paid no attention. The others at the table were heads-together with her, talking softly.
“Hey, buster, back off!” the sergeant said, gripping my arm. “She don’t need passengers in her face this morning.”
“I’m not in her face,” I pointed out. “I’m right here.” I filled my lungs and bellowed, “Sandor!”
This time, she looked up. The blue eyes narrowed.
The sergeant shook me like a wet rag. This was the reason he was on door duty this morning. They were expecting something like this.