Magorian & Jones 3.5
Urban Fantasy Novelette

More books by Taylen Carver
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Selected as a finalist for Best Fantasy Novella, for the Aurealis Awards!
Magorian, the world’s first modern wizard, tackles a wayward entity in New York.
Magorian is offered a small fortune by billionaire property owner and media magnate, Navin Kiraly, to deal with a New York apartment building turned feral.
The apartment building Magorian investigates shows every sign of being haunted, with strange phenomena turning it into a potential death trap. This is way outside Magorian’s field of expertise, but he must solve the riddles the building presents or be publicly declared a phony by Kiraly’s media empire….
The Wizard Must Be Stopped! is part of the urban fantasy series, Magorian & Jones, by Taylen Carver.
The Magorian & Jones series:
1.0: The Memory of Water
2.0: The Triumph of Felix
3.0: The Shield of Agrona
3.5: The Wizard Must Be Stopped
4.0: The Rivers Ran Red
5.0: The Divine and Deadly
5.5: Magorian & Jones Boxed Series Set
Urban Fantasy Novel
This series is also available as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Urban Fantasy, Novels}

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A great story as usual. This story takes place between books 3 & 4, after Jones has left for England, and is therefore told exclusively from Magorian’s POV. He’s summoned by a billionaire from New York to investigate a so called “haunting” in a property―that, or be “exposed” as a fraud. Blackmail is never a great reason to do a job, but it does sound interesting, so Magorian goes to investigate. The cause had a variety of possible solutions, and the solution wasn’t what I expected. Overall, an interesting story that’s between the Harley Firebird series, and the typical Magorian & Jones book, in terms of seriousness.
Good shorty,it contained magic,Twists,and turns. the story-line kept you reading,and the characters made you enjoy it. I am an Honest ARC reviewer i think everyone will enjoy this read.
Magorian is somewhat reluctantly pulled in to New York to solve a rather quirky puzzle. Things are not as they appear though, and he might be just the right man for the job. This reads more like a paranormal cozy mystery that the epic urban fantasy that is the rest of the series. It fits well in the world though. Lots of funny moments, but written in a understated, matter of fact way. The phrasing/delivery of some lines was just beautiful and made it that much better.
This was a lighter, more humorous addition to the world of Magorian and Jones. There are references to people and places that add a little depth to the story, but it is a true side story and can be read independent of the rest of the series.
A story about a wizard who hates big cities but has agreed to look at an apartment owned by a billionaire that is having weird things happening. Fun short story
In this urban fantasy novelette wizard Benjamin Magorian — who makes his home in Toledo, Spain — finds himself a fish out of water in New York City. Taking place between The Shield of Agrona (book 3) and The Rivers Ran Red (book 4), this short read is an excellent and entertaining entry to the Magorian & Jones series.
For the first time, we see Ben operating entirely on his own, without the presence of his friends. The conditions in the “feral” apartment building Magorian is taken to are both startling and shocking. The problems occurring in the different apartments are quite inventive and, at least momentarily, are amusing. Well-paced and fascinatingly detailed, the story takes the reader along with the wizard on his quest to find the root cause of the ongoing problems.
I was riveted from beginning to end and was completely immersed in the story, almost feeling as if I was taking part in finding the solution to the mystery. Thought-provoking without being preachy, quirky, and including an excellent Star Trek reference (which I particularly admire since I’ve been a fan for over 50 years), this was a really enjoyable read. While the series is, indeed, best read in order, this book holds up on its own and could be appreciated by anyone wishing to dip their toes into the ongoing magical world of Magorian & Jones. This is an honest and voluntary review of an ARC.
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Navin Kiraly was the son of Ukrainian immigrants, a billionaire property developer and media magnate. Clearly, being a billionaire meant very little these days, for Magorian had never heard of the man until he’d answered his phone call yesterday morning.
“They say you know how to create magic, Mr. Magorian,” Kiraly had said, after introducing himself.
Magorian opened his mouth to amend the man’s impression and swing into the spiel he used for nervous potential clients, but Kiraly wasn’t finished.
“I don’t believe in hocus pocus,” he continued, “and all the nonsense the world is spouting these days about people turning into creatures with powers. It’s comic book crap in my estimation. But you come highly recommended.”
Magorian opened his mouth again. Nothing occurred to him that he could speak aloud, so he shut it. Had the man never seen an Old One? Was he so insulated from the desperate times gripping the rest of the world that he could dismiss any mention of them as the nutty theories of conspiracists?
Then a question he could ask came to him. “Highly recommended to do what?”
“I have a problem with a building I own, here in New York. We’ve had engineers and city officials, plumbers and builders look it over and they’re stumped. One of my assistants suggested you might be able to do something about it.”
“What is the problem with the building?”
Kiraly hesitated. “The same assistant who gave me your name said a poltergeist was loose in the building.”
Magorian squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Poltergeists are myths, Mr. Kiraly. So are hauntings. I don’t do exorcisms or banishments. You need to speak to a priest for that. I am a wizard.” And because Kiraly was clearly uncomfortable with the language of a wizard, he added bluntly, “I cast spells and use magic.”
“I did consult a priest,” Kiraly said flatly. “He told me restless spirits were not the issue. Which brings me back to you.” His tone became even drier. “And your magic.”
“You’ve covered a lot of ground.”
“It’s been three days since the…things started happening. We’ve had to move the tenants into hotels. Do you have any idea how much it is costing me each day? How much it will cost me, bottom line, if you can’t fix this? I won’t be able to sell the building. I won’t be able to find tenants. The building will be worthless. And I paid a lot of money to acquire it.”
“I really don’t think I can help you, Mr. Kiraly.” Magorian injected diplomatic warmth into his tone.
“I’ll pay you three hundred thousand US dollars to get on the British Airways flight leaving Madrid at ten tonight, your time, and come to New York to fix this.”