FARING SOUL by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Interspace Origins Book 1.0
Science Fiction Romance Novel

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SFR Galaxy Award 2015 Winner
Rumors emerge that Catherine Shahrazad has returned from the fringes and been seen in Federation space. Wherever she goes, her name and her history cause civil unrest, riots and worse. The Federation Board doesn’t want her there. Neither do the leaders of Cadfael College, the educators and moralists of the galaxy.
No one pays any attention to the reticent navigator called Bedivere X, who pilots her ship better than she does.
The truth about Bedivere threatens the entire Federation.
His feelings for Cat might just save everyone.
This book is part of the Interspace Origins series:
1.0: Faring Soul
2.0: Varkan Rise
3.0: Cat and Company
3.5: Interspace Origins (Series boxed set)
4.1: Captain Santiago and the Sky Dome Waitress
A Science Fiction Romance Novel.
Also (from Stories Rule Press only)
The series Special Bundle
Tracy Cooper-Posey’s Super-Bundle
{Also see: Romance, Science Fiction Romance, Novels}

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The first book in a science fiction romance series about Catherine and Bedivere, who have been together on her spaceship for decades. From there we get thrown into an interesting world of politics, intrigue, greed, secrets, friendships, and love. It is hard not to be rooting for Catherine and the people on the spacecraft with her. But by far my favorite character here is Catherine. How nice to get to know her in this book, she is awesome. I can’t wait to read the next book Varkan Rise.
This story was was orginal and and amazing it has lots of twists and turns it keeps the reader intrested, its the kind of read you can't put down. I would recommend this book to All the readers out there
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Two minutes later, Catherine dropped into the navigator chair that Bedivere usually used and let out a long heavy breath. She put the hard case on the console and patted it.
Bedivere, who was sitting in the pilot’s chair, looked up from the instrumentation and grinned. The laugh lines around his warm brown eyes crinkled. “So…it went about exactly the way we expected. We’ll be in clear space in three minutes, by the way.” His brown-gold hair glowed in the light emitted from the overhead console. The warm color was nothing like the muddy color of native Shantans.
Catherine leaned back so her head was resting on the headrest and blew out another breath. “Nothing ever comes easy,” she muttered.
“You wouldn’t like it if it did.”
She rolled her head to the side and looked at him. She was too tired to smile. “Despite the rhetoric that surrounds my much-maligned past, I happen to like the quiet life.”
Bedivere sat back as she was. “Liar. If you liked it that much, you would live quietly. I don’t remember the last time you stopped to smell the roses.”
“Too much to do,” she muttered, glancing at the case.
The silence stretched and she looked at him. Bedivere was studying the case, too. He caught her gaze and looked back at the case again. “Next stop is Federation space,” he pointed out. “If you really do want a quiet life, Cat, this is the time to shut down the engines and go mute. There won’t be any going back after this.”
“Of course we’re going,” she said sharply. “I haven’t spent seventeen years scraping together every last centavo the fringes could cough up just to go live on some ball somewhere and get even older.”
“We don’t have to do this. All we’ve lost right now is time and that’s an infinite resource. If we head into Federation space, then much more than time is at stake.”
Catherine sat up. “Getting cold feet, Bedivere?”
He shook his head. “I’m worried.” His voice was very quiet. “Everything you’re doing, everything you’ve done. It’s too much.”
“Just shut up right there,” she said sharply and spun the chair to face him properly. “Look,” she added, reaching for a reasonable voice and tone. Reason would always win out with Bedivere. Logic was the supreme argument. “I have to go back to the Federation, anyway.” She touched her hair, which was liberally streaked with grey. The red that had been a rich, deep color was now faded. “You understand the therapy even better than I do. You’ve read even more widely and you never forget anything. You know that rejuvenation revives more than the cellular structure. I’ll feel young again. I won’t be this cranky old woman who has seen too much, has wrinkles on her neck and aches in the morning when she gets out of bed. After, I’ll be sweet and reasonable and even more determined to see this through.”
He looked doubtful.
Catherine grimaced. “Besides, it’s already too late.”
“It is?”
“If we stay in the fringes, the Shantans will come after us with everything they’ve got. But they won’t pursue us into Federation space and risk their membership on the Board. So we have to go there. It’s the Federation or bust.”
Bedivere considered that, then nodded. “As long as you’re not doing this for me.”
“Don’t be stupid,” she said and turned the chair back to face the console, to prep for the gate jump. “Of course I’m doing this for you. What else are partners for?”
He didn’t argue anymore, because the ship was technically a four-man crew ship, so jump prep took all their combined attention and effort. But the little smile at the corner of his mouth didn’t go away.