SUNS ECLIPSED by Cameron Cooper
The Indigo Reports 2.0
Space Opera Novel

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It’s not an impossible mission. It’s an insane one.
Ten people. Eriumans, Karassians, Free-Staters. None of them armed with anything more lethal than a single repaired and unreliable one-handed ghostmaker and a handful of bladed weapons, all of them with mental instabilities from years of brain wipes and memory manipulations. Worse, Bellona Cardenas is uncertain of their loyalties. Ten fragile people to infiltrate the most secure facility in the Republic.
So begins Suns Eclipsed, the second book in the Indigo Reports space opera science fiction series by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper.
The Indigo Reports series:
0.5 Flying Blind
1.0 New Star Rising
1.1 But Now I See
2.0 Suns Eclipsed
3.0 Worlds Beyond
3.5 The Indigo Reports
Space Opera Science Fiction Novel
This series is also available as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Science Fiction, Space Opera, Novels, Novellas.}

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I am loving this series! The characters are complex and interesting while the action has lots of unexpected twists and turns. The surroundings and the worlds/space the characters exist in are so different from what we know but they are so beautifully crafted by Cameron Cooper that everything is believable and created in three dimensions in my mind. I look forward to each instalment and the unpredictable nature of the story that is unfolding page by page, book by book. With no cliff-hangers and some interesting interactions between characters, I find it very appealing and entrancing even though I am usually only a romance genre reader.
Another well-written book in the Indigo Reports series: four books in, and I’m well and truly hooked!
Oh, Boy! Cameron drops us right into the middle of the action from the very start of the story. I could not put it down after reading the first paragraph.
Suns Eclipsed has the feel of my favorite sci-fi sagas. Action, aliens, advanced technology, questionable technology, varied civilizations, things not going as planned, etc; as well as allegories and vignettes which mirror the ‘real’ world. One such example is Chidi’s plan to explain away Shavistran as a fake. This is a great example of the “Big Lie” in action. And, my favorite quote from the book is “There is an inertia to a communal belief…”
Of course Cameron Cooper’s attention to detail more than satisfies the science junkie in me. Circadian rhythm, faraday cages, an Einstein-Rosen bridge!
I am so excited that there is more to come.
I absolutely loved this book! The story is intense!!! The plot is completely unpredictable and filled with surprises. The emotions are real, the horror is terrible and unfair and the action is sizzling!
I thoroughly enjoyed Sang's development and getting to know the Ledanians on a more personal level. Bellona's pain touched my heart.
I love that the space tech and terminology is understandable. Wow! Their invention is awesome!! I would love to see what other justice they dish out in the future.
I recommend this book if you crave something extraordinary and out of this world! You will not be dissapointed!!
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Chapter One
Criselda I, Criselda, Eriuman Republic
Criselda was only the secondary system in the Dejulii portfolio. No one had bothered to give the one livable world a unique name. Everyone called it Criselda, rarely bothering with the “I” that should come after the name. The equatorial band barely supported human crops, forcing the natives to depend upon imports. The Criseldans were more fertile than their land. They turned trading into big business. Criselda housed the Republic’s supply depots, equipping every ship in the Erium Navy. Security around the city-sized depots was backed up by the might of the military cruisers and destroyers constantly hoved-to overhead. No one in their right minds would consider breaking in to the depots.
Which was why Bellona and her people were busy doing just that.
Khalil, Sang and Bellona crouched in deep moon-shadows cast by the nearest building to the depot perimeter, a good twenty-five meters away from the fence. The night was dark, the moon a sliver, and the shadows and pockets deeply obscure. The depot, though, was ablaze with lights.
“This is complete madness,” Khalil said as they watched guards armed with ghostmakers cross-examine a civilian at the single, highly secure gate of the primary Criselda supply depot.
“I heard you the first time.” Bellona worked to keep her voice even.
Sang lowered the trinoculars. “Laser nets across every open space, with barely half a meter between each strand. If we step into them without the tags the guards have implanted, we’ll be detected.” He looked at her. “There are easier targets than this.”
“None of the others have the stash of ghostmakers Criselda does,” Bellona replied. “And that is the last time I will say it. Clear?”
No one replied. Khalil merely nodded.
Bellona looked over her shoulder. The long alley they had crept through to reach this point was now empty, with only fused dirt and tendrils of early morning fog wreathing around the base of the buildings. Even the air she breathed tasted damp and lifeless. Nothing grew here without constant encouragement.
“Are the others in place?” Bellona asked.
Sang paused, his gaze focusing inward as he discussed everyone’s status with Connie, the private yacht. Connie hung in the outer atmosphere overhead, coordinating communications.
Khalil wouldn’t look Bellona in the eye. He kept his back to the corner and peered around it, even though Sang had the trinoculars.
“This was your idea,” Bellona reminded him.
“I said you needed a coup, something to make the free worlds take notice. Breaking into Criselda is grander than what I had in mind.” He glanced at her and away. “We’re here now.”
“Your fatalist streak is showing,” Sang said, his tone chiding.
“Says the android, the ultimate in fatalism,” Khalil replied.
“The others?” Bellona asked Sang.
He nodded, his pale, freckled face grave. “Hayes says the door he was expecting is not there.”
Khalil frowned. “It was on the blueprints.”
“It’s not there now,” Sang replied. “The blueprints are therefore wrong. Hayes says no door is not a problem.”
“Is he going to bust his way through the wall?” Khalil asked, the frown still in place. “This is supposed to be soft-shoe.”
“Connie wasn’t certain. She didn’t understand what Hayes said he would do. She said something about ‘peeling’.”
Bellona looked at the walls of the structure on the other side of the perimeter. They were made of pre-fabricated panels of steel sheets sandwiching a layer of insulation, bolted to plasticrete stub walls. Someone had added a lackluster colour to the steel a long time ago. The average human would not be able to broach the seams with their bare fingers, but Hayes was not average.
“If he says he can get in, leave him to do it,” Bellona said.
Neither Sang nor Khalil spoke. The silence was telling. They didn’t agree with her. They had not agreed at any point in the operation, but they were cooperating anyway. It was an isolating sensation, one she didn’t like. She would have to get used to it, she realized.