Imperial Hammer 3.0
Space Opera Novel

More books by Cameron Cooper
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The Imperial Hammer versus the self-aware interstellar array.
The array is their enemy, but Danny and the crew of the Supreme Lythion must pretend to be allies while they desperately search for the hidden factory where the array builds its army of super-suits.
The clock is ticking. The Emperor is besieged and fending off assassination attempts at every turn, while innocent humans are cut off from the empire and left to starve. And sooner or later, the array will learn the truth about Danny.
When that happens, its wrath will be overwhelming.
Long Live the Emperor is the third book in the Imperial Hammer space opera science fiction series by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper.
The Imperial Hammer series:
1.0: Hammer and Crucible
1.1: An Average Night on Androkles
2.0: Star Forge
3.0: Long Live the Emperor
4.0: Severed
5.0: Destroyer of Worlds
5.5: The Imperial Hammer Series Box Set
Space Opera Science Fiction Novel
This series is also available as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Space Opera, Science Fiction, Novels}
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I'm fascinated by the books in this series which are packed with electrifying action and captivating character building. I enjoyed the continuity of the theme and motivating factors running through each book of the series.
This story uncovers more intriguing layers of the the main characters as well as some wonderful examples of the delightful humanity and frightful inhumanity AI's.
There's breath-stealing action during which I frantically tried to read faster...I had to stop, take a breath and remember to read*all*the*words so I could savour all the clues in the details!
Unexpected twists kept the edge-of-my-seat suspense at maximum velocity, just like the capabilities of the beloved space ship of the series.
I'm three books into the series and full throttle addicted! Imperial Hammer is definitely a series to read in order with a complexity that belies the easy-reading enjoyment I'm savouring.
Brilliant and intricate. The story of traveling across space where space stations and gates are controlled by an array. That array is now “self aware” and a bit of a petulant child. Our main characters have angered the array, and must deal with the aftermath.
The must work “under the covers” to discover where the array is amassing its army, and savie some who are “stranded” by the array along the way.
Many memorable characters – but my favorite is Varg, the parawolf. A faithful companion and terrific battle partner. Splendid entertainment to be found here!!
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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [Advisory: Frank language included.]
I had sprinted only a half-kilometer along the winding paths, passing through shady copses and an open field of grass, when Varg veered away from me and dived along a faint trail that seemed to head into impenetrable bushes thick with thumb-length thorns.
I sighed and followed.
The path bent sharply around the bushes and widened. A good sign.
Another bend and firmer footing, then suddenly, we faced a little hut with a reed roof and a leather curtain for a door. It was a shelter for equipment, I guessed, hidden away because its appearance didn’t mesh with the rest of the garden.
Varg cast about at the doorway. The rain would slow her down, but it wouldn’t completely ruin the traces she sought.
She turned toward the bushes surrounding the hut just as Lewis stepped out of them.
He had a shriver leveled at my nose. Rain ran down his face and soaked his clothes, but he didn’t appear to notice. The white and grey tunic and pants he wore were stained and ripped. I wondered how bad it had got up at this level, for the weeks they had been besieged. The garden would have sustained them for a while, but depending on how many people had been trapped in the garden, the ripe food would have dwindled quickly.
“Danny Andela. The Imperial Hammer,” he pronounced and lowered the gun. “Your creature did this to Naari.”
“And I talked him out of it a week ago. Everyone but you is fine now, Murphy.” I used the name he had insisted I use when we had first met, eleven weeks ago. “I’m here to change that.” As I spoke, I pulled the old-fashioned flare out of my thigh pocket, snapped it on and triggered it. The green flare shot up to the roof and radiated fluorescent green lines, drawing an unmistakable “over here!” signal that would be seen from just about anywhere in the garden.
Lewis’ smile was self-aware. “If you think the array will let me go, then you are—”
Varg growled.
The squeal of stressed metal preceded the explosion by mere seconds. Over the tops of the bushes, about fifty meters away, what looked like a small forest of tall trees with multiple-stranded trunks, exploded outward to form a gaping hole that smoked on the edges.
Beyond the hole was beige walls…and a super-suit.