VARKAN RISE by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Interspace Origins Book 2.0
Science Fiction Romance Novel

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Has Bedivere become what humans fear most?
The Federation no longer exists and sentient computers, the Varkan, are awakening. Bedivere X helps where he can, so when one lonely and scared computer, Jovanka, suicides and destroys half a planet, Bedivere takes the news hard. Then his close human friend Kemp is murdered and Bedivere disappears.
Catherine and her friends must figure out what happened the night Kemp died, while trying to follow Bedivere’s trail of devastation and inexplicable acts across the known worlds.
Has Bedivere really gone mad? Has he become one of the creatures that humans fear the most? Cat faces tough questions about the man she loves, while unravelling the mystery he has left behind.
This book is part of the Interspace Origins series:
1.0: Faring Soul
2.0: Varkan Rise
3.0: Cat and Company
3.5: Interspace Origins (Series boxed set)
4.1: Captain Santiago and the Sky Dome Waitress
A Science Fiction Romance Novel.
Also (from Stories Rule Press only)
The series Special Bundle
Tracy Cooper-Posey’s Super-Bundle
{Also see: Romance, Science Fiction Romance, Novels}

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This story continues with Catherine and Bedivere in this second book. Now the problem is murder and destruction, Varkans, the cartel, plotting and secret plans. This is definitely not a very romantic book, but rather a fast moving emotional continuation of an interesting story started in book one and continued here. A nicely written science fiction story with a little romance. I love that we get to continue to get to know the characters in this story arc. I look forward to reading the next book Cat and Company.
From what I read this story was excellent read because it has lots of mystery and it inspires the reader to read more another can't put down book fabulous, it also keeps you guessing, loved the story.
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Nicia (Sunita II), Sunita System.
Connell was impatiently waiting for them when they returned and climbed wearily down to the living levels. “You’ve been gone for days,” he said, as soon as they walked into the common room.
“And hello to you, too,” Bedivere told him. He threw himself down into the massage chair, stretched out and sighed, closing his eyes.
“You don’t want to say hello, first?” Brant asked Connell.
“Hello. Where have you been?” Connell demanded.
“Brent told you we were going to Van Andel,” Lilly said. She bent over from the waist and slid her boots off, one at a time. Then she wriggled her toes on the cool surface of the floor.
“Is your hair getting longer?” Brant asked, studying Connell.
Connell was staring at Lilly as she stretched and contorted her body, easing out kinks. Her movements were doing interesting things to the business jump suit she was wearing.
“Connell!” Brant said, more forcibly.
Connell tore his gaze away from Lilly and grinned. He pushed his fingers through his long bangs, which hung down past his eyes when he left them alone. “I thought I might try it.”
Bedivere snorted from the depths of his easy chair. “Do you want to tell me again, Fareed, how sentients can’t hero worship?”
Brant tugged self-consciously at his long hair, tied neatly at the back of his head.
Lilly stop flexing. “Connell, if you wanted longer hair, why didn’t you just make it long? You can adjust your avatar in any way you want, can’t you?
Connell gazed at her. “Humans can’t make their hair long overnight. Why should I?”
“That’s a point,” Lilly said.
Catherine was standing at the concierge terminal, scrolling through messages and notifications. “Connell, as much as I appreciate your enthusiasm and your company, and I do understand that this island is one of the few places where you can be yourself, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to visit unasked. Humans don’t do it. They ask first.”
Connell nodded vigourously. “I understand, Catherine. I’m sorry to barge in. Especially when you weren’t here. But I really needed to talk to Bedivere.”
Bedivere didn’t open his eyes. “We were on Van Andel,” he said. “Not the Silent Sector. You could have sent a message.”
“Too insecure,” Connell replied. “Messages travel via conduits I don’t control. But the one I’m using now to visit here is completely under my control.”
Bedivere cracked open one eye, to the merest sliver. “I’m listening.”