ASHES OF PRIDE by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Scandalous Scions Book 10.0

Victorian Era Historical Romance Novel

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Married in haste, to the wrong man…

Blanche wed Lieutenant Colonel Seymour in search of a hero to replace the French military father she never knew, only to find herself stranded in Northumberland, in a penniless marriage, with no recourse.

Blanche’s cousin, Neil Williams, now a decorated Major, returns from the colonies to rejoin the Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers. Her husband, as Neil’s superior officer, makes Neil’s life intolerable, as well as her own.  Blanche learns that the truly courageous are defined by their actions and that Seymour is not one of them, for what he does to Neil defies imagination…

This book is the tenth book in the Scandalous Scions series, bringing together the members of three great families, to love and play under the gaze of the Victorian era’s moralistic, straight-laced society.

This story is part of the Scandalous Scions series:
0.5 Rose of Ebony
1.0 Soul of Sin
2.0 Valor of Love
3.0 Marriage of Lies

3.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set One
4.0 Mask of Nobility
5.0 Law of Attraction
6.0 Veil of Honor

6.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set Two
7.0 Season of Denial
8.0 Rules of Engagement
9.0 Degree of Solitude

9.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set Three
10.0 Ashes of Pride
11.0 Risk of Ruin

12.0 Year of Folly
13.0 Queen of Hearts

13.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set Four
A Sexy Historical Romance Series

This series is also available as a Special Bundle

{Also see: Romance, Historical Romance, Novels}

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Ashes of Pride
Average rating:  
 6 reviews
 by IngSav
Awesome! The tale of a daring and passionate woman.

The heart-warming story of a woman navigating her way through the challenges of learning how to be an independent woman in Victorian England. A lovely easy read with no angst or overplayed drama.

What a likeable female lead! Gutsy and passionate with enough doubts and insecurities that we feel empathy for her and her difficult choices. A very interesting exploration of how she finds her way in the art world of Victorian England whilst still keeping her personal life private.

You've got to love that there are no simpering Victorian Miss's! This woman knows what she wants...and luckily her man feels the same way! They are honour bound but their attraction challenges their scruples.

I thoroughly enjoyed the complete immersion of this Victorian-era love story as Tracy Cooper-Posey writes with such heart and attention to detail.

I highly recommend this whole series and especially that it's read in order to get the benefit of all the back stories and character personalities.
Each story of the 11 books are full of interesting aspects of Victorian England and the changes happening during this era as highlighted by the challenges met by TCP's fascinating characters.

 by IngSav
I was immersed and intrigued from the start!

I loved it! This is no dreamy romance, instead it's real (for Victorian times), gritty and tragic in the circumstances that lead to our hero winning the day.
From the start I wondered how could the heroine's situation possibly have a good, let alone happy, outcome!?! And I thoroughly enjoyed the tale that revealed how this unfolds!

The lead characters were given depth and personality through the gradually revealed circumstances of their recent histories...both separate from the beloved great families whom I have come to enjoy getting to know (over the course of these 10 books and the previous prequel series too!).

There was attraction and simmering heat a-plenty but I liked that the reader, just like the characters, is kept in suspense a bit more in this book as compared to others in the series (as suits the morality situation of the characters of this story).

I love Tracy Cooper-Posey's writing style for drawing me into a story full of interesting historical detail and a rich tapestry of the social and moral strictures of the Victorian era.

I would highly recommend this latest installment of a brilliant series...I really enjoy how each novel has a fresh approach to various challenges and situations particular to the Victorian era.

 by Dina

Another magnificent addition to this series.

I loved learning in depth the background of the two main characters. The steadfast wife trying all she can to do what is expected, and learning to late that her husband is not what she believed him to be. The family member who realized he made a monumental error by staying away and now is paying for it.

The details we get from the author, about life in the service during this time, is illuminating. The harshness of the rules, the purchasing of rank, is used in this story to show what a man is willing to do to keep his place and honor, whether they deserve it or not.

The story let's us know that it is never too late for true love; one must fight for it when the time is right, or all can be lost.

Author Tracy Cooper Posey never lets her fans down. You must get this amazing book and if you haven't read the series, well I just don't know what you're waiting for.

 by Audrey Cienki
Ashes of Pride

So realistic that I felt like I was there. Such a great story and setting. And historical accuracy! I don’t know how Tracy Cooper-Posey does it.

The relationships between the characters, their actions and attitudes reminds me of people who I have met throughout my life. Some were like Seymour, and others like Neil. Ashes of Pride is an engaging story that you will not be able to put down.

 by Beatriz
Ashes of Pride

Ashes of Pride is the 10th instalment in the Scandalous Scions series, and how the author manages to keep it fresh, it still amazes me.

This story of Blanche and Neil and how they found each other in the most terrible circumstances. I love how Blanche comes through not as a spoiled brat for having rushed a very important decision but as a more mature woman as a result. Very empathetic, indeed. It can totally be relatable to the present day.

Moreover, I'm very eager how other plots are getting to a conclusion too, such as Lilly, can't wait to see her retribution. Just give it a go already 😉

 by Heather Baxter
Ashes of Pride

Having read all the books leading up to this one, I am so looking forward to see how much trouble can be dropped into this loving & so friendly family, who have their yearly meets together with everyone.

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Neil shifted on his chair, sitting back, drawing attention with his movement.  Blanche’s gaze swung to him.  Her lips parted.  Her eyes widened.  Joy spread across her face.

Neil felt a jolt at the pure pleasure in her eyes.  Why could she possibly be so glad to see him?  Of the five, Neil knew Blanche the least.  Her company had always irritated him, for she ran hot and cold in fits and starts, which made her uncomfortable and unpredictable.  She was not like Alice, who could be counted upon to be sunny and happy, no matter what.

Yet Blanche was tugging at her husband’s sleeve now with firm insistence.  She murmured in his ear.

“Williams, you know Mrs. Seymour?” Edmund Hunter asked.

“Blanche is my cousin.” Neil realized he was smiling, too.  He didn’t bother with the convoluted explanations about adoptees and honorary cousins.   He got to his feet as Seymour brought his wife over to the table, his gaze on Blanche.

He realized he was just as pleased to see her as she seemed feel about seeing him.

“I had forgotten about that extended family of yours,” Captain Long said, on the other side of the table.   “Everyone in William’s family is related to just about everyone who counts,” he added to Lieutenant Roberts, the last man at the table.

“Just about? Make that everyone,” Tom Penny said.  “Didn’t you hear?  Innesford married the Gainford heiress earlier this year.”

Neil ignored their gossip and watched Blanche, enjoying the sight of a beautiful woman moving.  She had the grace and elegance of true European women, who seemed to be born with the knowledge.

“Neil!  Oh, Neil!” she breathed, stepping ahead of her husband, her gloved hands coming up.   She reached up on her toes and kissed the air by Neil’s cheeks, while Seymour’s eyes bulged.  “I heard you were heading back home, but I didn’t think you would arrive for weeks, yet!”

Neil caught at her elbows, steadying her.  “Hello, Blanche.  It is wonderful to see you.  You are the first in the family I have seen since I got back.”

As he spoke, everyone scrambled to their feet to salute the senior officer.

Neil followed suit, while Blanche smiled up at him.

Seymour acknowledged the salute, letting everyone relax.

Blanche turned back to Neil.  “You are the first in the family I have seen since before Christmas…oh, Neil!”  Her smile trembled and her eyes glittered.

Neil’s chest tightened.  Blanche looked as though she was about to cry.  The Blanche he knew, the little he did know of her…that woman did not cry.  She laughed.  She raged.  She pouted and stomped her foot.  She did not cry.  She was too busy sailing through life and sampling all it had to offer to bewail her fate.

Blanche made a soft sound and put her arms around Neil’s neck and hugged him.

For a moment, shock froze his thoughts.  He smelled her scent—something spicy that had nothing to do with flowers.  Her hair brushed his chin.  Heat registered through the slippery satin.  Slenderness, too.  And a soft roundness he had not enjoyed in far, far too long…

“Oh, dear!” Penny murmured, sounding shocked.  Major Hunter smiled indulgently and didn’t bother looking away.

Seymour’s expression grew dark and thunderous.

Neil caught at Blanche’s arms, trying to draw her away from him, good sense returning with a crash.

She stepped back swiftly and put her hand to her mouth.  “Oh, please forgive me,” she said to the table.  “It has been so long since I saw Neil…I mean, Major Williams.”  She gave a small grimace of apology and rested her fingers on Seymour’s arm.  “Husband, may I introduce to you my cousin, Major Neil Williams, of Innesford.”

“Cornwall?” Major Hunter said softly.  “That Williams?”

“The very one,” Captain Long replied.

Neil saluted.  “Lieutenant Colonel.”

“At ease,” Seymour said.  “I’ve heard a little about you, Williams.”

Neil let his posture relax.  “Sir.”  Now the man was closer, he could see he was very young.  Possibly younger than Neil.  His pale hair was baby-soft.  So was his chin.

Seymour’s eyes narrowed.  “You’re out of uniform, Williams.”

Neil glanced down at his out-of-date red coat.  “I haven’t had time to—”

Seymour glanced at Edmund Hunter.  “Major, as Provost Marshall, it is your duty to attend to such slovenliness.  Dock the man two shillings a day until he represents the Regiment properly.”

Hunter straightened to attention.  “Yes, sir.”

Blanche’s eyes grew larger, as she looked from Neil to her husband.

Two shillings!  Neil gritted his teeth.  It was an exorbitant sum, especially as the regimental commander was aware of the uniform breech and was willing to tolerate it.  Only, Neil could not argue with a senior officer and he was out of uniform.

Seymour glanced around the table of officers, possibly taking note of who dared dine with the slovenly Major.  He curled his hand around Blanche’s arm and pulled her away.  “Gentlemen,” he said.

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