Scandalous Scions Book 6.5
Victorian Era Historical Romance Boxed Set

More books by Tracy Cooper-Posey
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The second three novels of the beloved historical romance series in one set.
The sexy historical romance series, Scandalous Scions, brings together the members of three great families, to love and play under the gaze of the Victorian era’s moralistic, straight-laced society.
Mask of Nobility
He’s royalty. She’s a commoner. Their association has no future.
There were a lot of laughs and even some tears. It seems you experience every emotion in the pages of her books. – Reader Review
Law of Attraction
Her husband will divorce her for adultery, no matter the cost or the ruin it will deliver.
Jack refused to ever marry as long as Jenny was alive even though she was married to someone else. Can you get any more tragically romantic than that? – Reader review.
Veil of Honour
Bridget’s downfall at the hands of a duke forces Will to save her.
Even when you think you can’t be surprised, there is a twist, a turn, a scandal that will.
Reader Advisory: This boxed set contains frank sex scenes and sexual language.
This story is part of the Scandalous Scions series:
0.5 Rose of Ebony
1.0 Soul of Sin
2.0 Valor of Love
3.0 Marriage of Lies
3.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set One
4.0 Mask of Nobility
5.0 Law of Attraction
6.0 Veil of Honor
6.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set Two
7.0 Season of Denial
8.0 Rules of Engagement
9.0 Degree of Solitude
9.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set Three
10.0 Ashes of Pride
11.0 Risk of Ruin
12.0 Year of Folly
13.0 Queen of Hearts
13.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set Four
A Sexy Historical Romance Series
This series is also available as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Romance, Historical Romance, Novels}

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All 3 of these books together were great reads, between them there were tears, fights, tantrums, arguments & s lot of love.
These books almost came to life in my eyes, as the Authoress really does know how to tell a story, warts & all.
Enjoyed each of these books for their individuality & the story they told. I have also come to love "The Gatherings".
Thanking you Tracy.
Do yourself a favour, if you love romance, read this series
I almost consider myself a member of The Great Family with how well Tracy brings you into their fold. You'll cry, laugh and maybe get a little hot while reading each of these. Truly a wonderful continuation to the series and well worth the read!
This series is so well written that I found myself compulsively reading each book and was completely transported to Victorian England!
There are delightful twists and surprises that author Tracy Cooper-Posey throws into the stories to satisfy every reason for my addiction to this wonderful series!!
Interesting and complex character development makes dialogue between the characters truly entertaining.
I thoroughly enjoyed the exciting stories of each family member of this series and better yet is the way these stories unfold! Author Tracy Cooper-Posey has a talent for making the characters so real, in a succinct way, which draws the reader's empathy while moving the action and adventure along at an exciting pace.
It's a delight that each book in the series is different in its exploration of the relationships of the Great Family member(s) and beyond expectations that each successive story is even better than the previous!!
Mask of Nobility– 5 stars
Truly well-crafted and entertaining read!!
In a family which breaks many social norms; Bronwen has chosen to live in the countryside and live freely, sporting bare feet and a casual air. When the Archduke Edvard Christoffer of Silkborg is taking a break from his duties (and the young ladies hoping to be his wife) he goes to where he knows the rules are not so strict. Bronwen is a beautiful puzzle, and quite clever. “Tor”, as Edvard is going by to remain unknown, must fend for himself with no servants, and hike about the property.
A delightful relationship builds between Tor and Bronwen. She challenges him and teaches him her country ways. When duty calls, Tor says goodbye to Bronwen, as he would not ask her to give up her freedom. But as Bronwen misses Tor greatly – perhaps she can make the choice to rejoin society to become an appropriate match for him in his world.
Humorous and sexy – the extended family and their refusal to bow to societal norms creates a delightful glimpse into their version of the Victorian era.
Law of Attraction – 5 stars
Who Knew the Victorian Era Could be so Scintillating?!?
Jenny has accepted a wedding proposal so her true interest Jack can meet family expectations. A change in situation has her husband publicly and scandalously divorcing her in a court of law, the church and public opinion.
An emotional and delightfully woven story of love, obligation and family ties. When all members of the family are considered “tainted” by association this unique family once again gathers forces and works to resolve this situation. This story will be more enjoyable if you have read prior stories in the series, as many members of this family once again make an appearance. This will not be a hardship as all books within this series are written with excellent character exposition, intricate story lines and high entertainment.
This series is not-to-be-missed. I highly recommend!!
Veil of Honor– 5 stars
Fascinating Trip into Historic Times!!
This author puts you squarely back into history with the sights, sounds and scents of the times. Old-fashioned morality, the season, family expectations and beyond. Bridget is set of marrying outside the great family. When a soon-to-be-fiancé ends up being a cad instead… she accepts Will’s proposal; she needs protection and he needs an heir. When they seem to be making quite a success of this arrangement, suddenly Will cannot face the results and basically abandons Bridget at their rural estate. When he must eventually make amends; it may be too late.
Bridget is forced to learn to run a household and takes on the responsibility for those on the estate and the nearby community. Women are not allowed to own property, and a business is included therein. This story is a brilliant exposition on earlier times woven within a true love story. Immerse yourself in this exquisite story which I highly recommend!!
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Bronwen heard the cracking and crunching of someone heavy moving through them. He was breathing hard. Harder than was justified for traversing a thin copse of ash trees that had lost most of their leaves.
Bronwen let her mouth curl down. He must be a London fop, unused to more exercise than lifting his brandy glass and knife and fork.
The man gasped. It was not a sound of exertion, but one of pain.
Bronwen started forward, toward the point where his noisy progress told her he would emerge from the trees. As she got closer, he shouldered his way through the bare branches and fir trees, then staggered onto the verge at the side of the road.
He was a big man. That was the single impression Bronwen received before focusing upon his hand. He held the wrist tightly with the other hand, his fingers stretched taut.
Bronwen ran to him. “Let me see.” She reached for his hand, intending to push the white, stiff cuff and thick worsted jacket sleeve out of the way.
“It burns!” he breathed and dug the fingers of his other hand into the skin over the back of the injured one.
Bronwen saw the telltale rash. Stinging nettle. Yes, he was in pain.
She looked through the trees, searching for the big, broad leaves of a dock plant and spotted one at the foot of an ash. “Agatha, the dock plant. Would you mind?”
Agatha nodded and stepped into the trees to harvest a leaf.
Bronwen returned her attention to the man’s hand. He scratched with the other fingers. She slapped his hand away. “Don’t do that.”
His gaze met hers. Blue eyes, open wide in surprise. A blue that nature only provided not long before the sky turned to night black. “I beg your pardon?” he said, shocked.
“You’ll just make it worse, if you scratch. Hold your breath for moment and leave it alone.” She took his wrist and bent it, turning his hand over to see the palm and the underside of the fingers, looking for more burrs. “Did you brush your hand against the nettle when you were walking?”
“I must have. I don’t remember. My hand suddenly burned. It is the most excruciating…what is that?” he finished sharply, looking at the moist, green leaf Agatha held out to Bronwen.
“Relief,” Bronwen told him, taking the leaf.
“Another plant?”
She didn’t answer. Instead, she turned his hand back over and wrapped the big leaf over the rash. There were no burrs left in his skin to remove. It must have been the lightest of contacts.
Bronwen held the leaf down with her fingers for a moment and watched him.
His expression was one of bewilderment and dismay. Then the dock leaf worked. She watched relief and growing awareness fill his face. His eyes met hers once more. “The pain is fading.”
“That is extraordinary.”
“Not really.” She tapped the leaf. “Here, you can hold it in place. Leave it there for as long as you can.” She let go of his wrist and braced herself for the usual suspicion and fear to settle into his eyes. Witch was the least of the epithets leveled at her in the past. People didn’t trust what they didn’t understand.
His gaze shifted from her to Agatha. For a heartbeat she saw Agatha as a stranger would: An old woman with long, stringy gray hair, a wrinkled face and few teeth. A back bent from carrying burdens far beyond what any woman should bear. And a patience and immoveable will rising from a long lifetime lived alone.
Bronwen squared her shoulders, ready to spring to Agatha’s defense. It wouldn’t be the first time.
The man looked at the dock leaf once more. “What is in the leaf?” he asked. “Something that counters the nettle sting, clearly, but what? What is the effective ingredient? Do you know?”
Bronwen’s surprise left her speechless.
His interested faded. “Unless it is merely an old wives’ tale you have remembered, that happens to work?”
The dismissive note whipped Bronwen into responding. “There is an acid compound in dock plants.”
“Not a base?” he replied, his interest lifting once more. “I’d have thought that to counter such a sting, a base would be needed.”
“It’s not a sting. It’s a burn. Mild acids alleviate that pain. If I’d had vinegar to hand, I could have used that, instead.”
“Then you know your chemicals,” he replied.
“As you do, apparently,” she shot back.
For a moment, they looked at each other.
He had thick, golden blonde hair above the blue eyes and was clean-shaven. His clothes were fine gentlemen’s garments, with a hint of European tailoring. His shoulders were wide, which matched his height and the size of his hand. The wrist she had glimpsed beneath the cuff was strong, too, which made him far more physical a man than the elegant suit and overcoat and bespoke tailoring suggested.
His square chin dipped. “I confess I am at the outer limits of my knowledge of chemicals. I suspect you know more than I. I would not have thought to find a complimentary plant to counter the first one.”
“Well, using dock plants is an old wives’ tale,” Bronwen admitted. “I wanted to know why it worked, so I learned.”
He nodded. It was a small movement. “Because knowledge is how the world becomes a better place.”
“I suppose, yes. I haven’t thought of it that way.”
“I have.” His gaze was steady.
“Ah! Got the bastard,” the driver cried. A sharp ringing of metal punctuated his exclamation.
He bent and picked up the sheered pin from beneath the sagging axle and tossed it into the trees and rubbed his hands together, pleased. “I’ve got a couple of railway dog spikes in the box back here, that I picked up around the station. One of those will do nicely.” He headed for the back of the carriage and Bronwen heard the box creak open and the driver rummage in the gear inside.
She bent and picked up the edge of the wheel and brought it up onto its edge, then rolled it closer to the carriage. “Agatha, you must thread it onto the axle. I’m stronger than you.”
Agatha sidled past the man and put herself in front of the wheel and nodded.
Bronwen let it go and moved to the rear of the carriage. The driver straightened up, the thick metal spike in his hand. She nodded. “Is that why you kept them?”
“Never thought I’d have to use one,” he admitted, shoving it in his pocket. He reached under the corner edge of the carriage and looked at her. “Let’s see how strong you are, missy.”
Bronwen got her fingers under the edge and nodded.
“One…two…three,” the driver breathed.
Bronwen hauled, her neck and shoulders straining, as the edge of the carriage bit into her fingers. It was shockingly heavy. The two of them lifted it only a few inches.
“I need five more inches!” Agatha said, her voice wavering.
Bronwen let the carriage go and sucked at her fingers. The driver sighed. “It was a long shot, anyway,” he said, his tone kindly.
“Let’s try again,” Bronwen told him. “This time, though…” She hauled her skirt up and bunched a fold of it over her hands and fitted them beneath the edge of the carriage.
The passenger was staring at her, his wounded hand held against his chest, the other hand cradling it so he could keep the dock leaf in place. He seemed both shocked and amused at the sight of her petticoat. Bronwen didn’t care. She hadn’t had to care about such things for a long while. Besides, the only way the carriage and the man would leave would be if she and the driver could lift the carriage high enough to let Agatha fit the wheel back on the axle. Practicality demanded the indecency.
She looked at the driver and nodded once more. “One…two…three.”
They lifted, blowing heavily. The carriage raised another three inches.
“More!” Agatha cried. “More!”
Abruptly, the carriage raised up the necessary four inches.
Bronwen gasped.
The passenger leaned his head to one side, from around the corner of the carriage. He was bent in such a way she could tell he had his hands beneath the side of the carriage there. “If you can do it, so can I.” He straightened, moving out of sight. “Can you get the wheel on now?” Bronwen heard him ask Agatha. There was no strain in his voice.
The carriage remained raised and steady, while Bronwen listened to the wheel being fitted back on the axle. She could feel the vibrations through her grip on the bottom of the carriage.
“Let it down,” the passenger told them.
Bronwen lowered the weight, rather than letting go. The driver copied her.
The carriage settled back an inch or two, then stayed there.
“Bugger me…” the driver murmured to himself, standing back and watching the conveyance as if it would give way and sink once more if he looked away. Then he moved around the corner to look at the wheel, pulling out the dog spike as he went. “Let me at it. Let’s get it locked in tight before it spills once more.”
Bronwen brushed her skirt back into place. There were stains on the front of it from the grime beneath the carriage and tears from pushing through hedgerows. Few people would see her before she returned home and there was still rosemary to gather.
She moved around the carriage to check how Agatha fared.
The passenger bent and picked up the fallen dock leaf and placed it back over his hand.
Agatha shook her gray hair back over her face and hunched back into her customary posture and shrugged the bag back into position against her shoulders. “We should hurry, before the rain gets here.” She looked at Bronwen.
Bronwen nodded.
“It will rain?” the man said. He looked up at the clear sky. “Impossible.”
“Not so much,” the driver told him, hammering his fist against the flat head of the dog spike, working it into the hole left by the missing pin to secure the wheel. “She be the witch woman. Most folks around here say she’s got magic. I don’t know about that. If she says it’s going to rain then I, for one, would put the hay in the stable.”
Agatha bent even more, turning her shoulder to hide her face. Bronwen rested her hand on Agatha’s trembling shoulder. “Let’s go,” she whispered.
Agatha nodded.
They headed for the trees, hurrying.
“A moment!” the man called out.
Bronwen ignored him.
“How do I thank you? I don’t know your name!” “That suits me just fine!” Bronwen yelled back, just before they made their escape into the trees.