YEAR OF FOLLY by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Scandalous Scions Book 12.0

Victorian Era Historical Romance Novel

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All Emma wants is to belong…

Emma, the youngest daughter of the great family, cannot find acceptance among the peers of society despite four Seasons of pleasing everyone.  She is banished to Inverness to avoid any scandal her anger might cause.  Even in Inverness, she is an outsider, for her cousins, including staid and boring Morgan Davies, spend all their days working and thinking, for heaven’s sake!

Having survived years of the family’s disasters, Morgan likes his quiet life and routine.  Emma’s excesses and plain speaking disrupt his days.  When Emma discovers politics and adopts as her cause women’s suffrage, the most outrageous scandal the family has yet to produce threatens to turn Morgan’s world inside out…

This book is the twelfth in the Scandalous Scions series, bringing together the members of three great families, to love and play under the gaze of the Victorian era’s moralistic, straight-laced society.

This story is part of the Scandalous Scions series:
0.5 Rose of Ebony
1.0 Soul of Sin
2.0 Valor of Love
3.0 Marriage of Lies

3.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set One
4.0 Mask of Nobility
5.0 Law of Attraction
6.0 Veil of Honor

6.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set Two
7.0 Season of Denial
8.0 Rules of Engagement
9.0 Degree of Solitude

9.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set Three
10.0 Ashes of Pride
11.0 Risk of Ruin

12.0 Year of Folly
13.0 Queen of Hearts

13.5 Scandalous Scions Boxed Set Four
A Sexy Historical Romance Series

This series is also available as a Special Bundle

{Also see: Romance, Historical Romance, Novels}

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Year of Folly
Average rating:  
 8 reviews
 by Hester
Fight for woman's rights with unexpected romance...

I received a free copy of this book and volunteered to review it. This story of Emma tackles the unexpected issue of equal rights for woman. In this instance, Emma is educated into realising a few things surrounding what woman are actually not allowed to do, that she never even thought about or did not know.

Morgan is a quiet force, to be reckoned with, in the background. Emma has a dark and secret history, that was only partially revealed to her and she focusses this anger and resentment towards her cause for woman's suffrage. The unexpected guest that had upset the summer gather, shows up at her doorstep.

An unexpected friendship and cameraderie develop. As usual, there is the unexpected twist and fascinating turns in the plot with a completely unpredictable and pleasantly surprising ending, that is both happy and satisfactory.

I thoroughly enjoyed this educational walk through history! It is fascinating and well written. The tension is palpable, the action real and the passion scorching, the uncertainty heart wrenching. I strongly recommend reading the series in order, to better understand it. I am very pleased to report that this book has a very happy ending, for most....

 by Stephany
Year of Folly

I love each book in this series. As with the previous books in this series it deals with topics not usually found in historical romance books. I did find this book a little tame compared to the rest of the series. The chemistry between Emma and Morgan just didn't seem to be there and although the Family does do things out of the ordinary......this seems even more out of character concerning the Family.

 by reg
Romance in Inverness

Emma has been raised as the youngest daughter of Viscount Rothmere only to learn that she is actually the daughter of her former governess, Lilly, who is now married to Jasper the son of the Archduke of Silkeborg. One needs the train or table of the Great Families provided at the beginning of this book. We are in the 1870's and society has rigid and formal rules. Emma is having difficulty as a debutante in Season with the nobility quietly frownng at her less than 'honorable' ancestry so her 'mother' sends her off to her cousins, Lord and Lady Rothmere, in Inverness. There she arrives the railway station with steam everywhere and in her beautiful London tailored clothes which completely outshine the locals drab dark clothing. Met by her cousin, the handsome,tall Morgan, who handles the financial affairs of the family businesses, she is taken to Farleigh Hall their manor. Assigned a maid she has little to do by day while her cousin, Lady Bridget is busy managing their textile mills and Morgan the finances. But then she meets Lydia Becker at the welcoming dinner for Emma and she begins to interest her in women's suffrage a great cause of that era and this starts Emma on her so called year of folly culminating when she attempts to vote. This a well written romantic and evocative tale of that period and with characters like Prince Konstantin vying for her hand amid carriage rides, day long outings to the Highland Summer Games, visits to textile mills, weavers, and other events we are treated to a taste of the times. There is one graphic sex scene sensuously and deliciously portrayed.

 by IngSav
What a beautiful story of self discovery and passion.

The plot had plenty of surprises and kept me thoroughly enthralled.

The characters were interesting, likeable and intense so that when they decided to let go, there was an passion but loving kindness to their interaction that I enjoyed immensely. There was definite chemistry and I delighted in the pulse pause moment!

Tracy Cooper Posey's writing style enthralls and is so captivating that I look up at the end of the book surprised that I'm back in modern times!
Her characters, settings and the topical challenges of the times are very insightful and interesting to read.

Another excellent addition to the Scandalous Scions series! I'm avidly snapping up (on pre-order) and reading each new book in the series. I am still thrilled by the variety in the stories of the series and their ability to take unanticipated plot twists.

I highly recommend reading the whole series, and in the correct order.

 by Dina Bushrod
Will Emma finally learn the truth, will she stay out of trouble long enough to hear

Another magnificent story from the Scandalous Scions series. We've come full circle to learn more about the bold, and many times, angry Emma. She knows there's a secret and that whatever it is, it's holding her acceptance in society back. Her actions have finally forced the family to send her away to the home of relatives. But boy oh boy, she finds, even more, to get riled over. The suffragettes have found their way into town and Emma grabs on to it with all she's got and finally causes an uproar so bad that she puts her and those she cares for in danger. To top that off a man comes into their life demanding to know the truth about a deceased family member. In the midst of all this, unexpected feelings arise for someone as different from her as night and day. Get this wonderfully told story, one filled with surprises, danger, confusion, truths, and a passion that is glorious in its discovery. The author never lets us down in her historical storytelling filled with facts of that oh so moral time, an amazing cast of characters, and I love how she brings some of them back from previous stories. Family is family and their always around somewhere.

 by Kathi Soniat
I Adore this Series – But this Story was Extraordinary!!

Emma cannot find acceptance in London society, instead is sent to Inverness Scotland to stay with family. There she still does not fit in – all are involved in their own work and are very serious. She becomes acquainted with Lydia Becker who is outspoken about women gaining the right to vote. This opens Emma’s eyes and a new passion burns within her.

A family mystery, intrigue, and a very special patient person who demonstrates the true meaning of love. A sleight of hand which changes lives. Exceptional story, relatable characters and a journey back in time which highly entertains.

 by Audrey Cienki
Year of Folly

I just love that this is a marvelous and true-to-life story. By that I mean that Emma’s story is down-to-earth and believable. She is not a super-suffragette who can leap tall buildings in a single bound but a real person with whom I can relate.

Her interactions with Morgan remind me of myself at that age. A bit awkward, a bit shy.

 by Beatriz
Year of Folly review

Year of Folly is the 12th and second last book in the Scandalous Scions series. I have to say it's being a nice wrap up to the series so far. I've been very pleased with the coming back to the story of Lilly through Emma and the satisfying ending. It seems Emma took very good advantage of the year she spends in the Highlands to grow quite a lot as a person. And the way Morgan lets her do it in her own pace before sweeping her off her feet is very sensible. I also liked very much the topic of the women's franchise. I totally agree with the idea that significant changes are veeery slow to take place and sometimes they even provoke a violent response. Bear in mind some countries in Europe didn't pass the law necessary for women to vote until well past mid twentieth century. A little outrageous from nowadays point of view, right?

These could seem a tad frivolous series like many others but throughout the books the author has been navigating us along the mayor mid to end of the nineteenth century issues, besides emotional development, for which I'm very thankful to the author.

Don't miss the series, now you can binge read them!

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The train had arrived early.  He could see the billows of steam above the station building and spotted the last third class carriage at the very end of the long platform.  The platform had been extended six years ago by one hundred feet, and already the townsfolk spoke of extending the platforms once more. A roof had been added, so the center portion of the platform was sheltered from the rain and the sun.

Morgan leapt from the carriage almost before it came to a full halt.  “I’ll be but a moment, George,” he told the driver.

“Right ye are, Mr. Davies.”

He hurried through the station building and onto the platform, weaving through disembarking passengers fussing over their trunks and luggage, or waiting patiently for a porter.  Most of them looked tired and bedraggled.  The train provided bunks for sleeping away the overnight journey, but Morgan had learned from a great many journeys to and from London that the bunks did not provide a completely comfortable night’s sleep.

Morgan looked for a girl with dark brown hair and a sulky expression, for that was all he remembered of Emma.  She was the youngest cousin in the family and Morgan could not remember the last time he had spoken to her directly.  Possibly at one of the family gathers at Innesford.  As he had not attended one of those for a number of years, it still put the date rather far in the past.

The train must have only just arrived, for it was still chuffing steam in great clouds all over the platform.  Morgan waited for the mist to dissipate, so he could scan the north end of the platform where the engine sat, the hot metal ticking.

Figures formed in the mist and grew clearer as it dispersed.  The driver stood with his cap in his grubby hands, speaking to a woman who looked as though she belonged to the grand drawing rooms of London.

She wore a gown that ladies called travelling suits. Morgan had picked up rather more about ladies’ fashions in the last few years than he ever thought he would learn, thanks to the Kirkaldy tweed mills.

Her suit was not a sensible, plain brown or black ensemble designed to hide the stains of travel.  Instead, it was a creation of deepest purple and dark green, which glowed in the early morning light.  There was barely a hint of a train and a very modest bustle, but the dark green skirt was looped and draped, and finished with a small line of purple ruffles upon the hem.  Large, deep green bows held the drapes in place on either side.

The purple jacket fitted perfectly, displaying a trim waist and slender arms.  Lace peeped at her sleeve and throat.  Emeralds glittered at her ears.  Her dark hair was looped up and curled and pinned at the back of her head. A dark green hat perched upon the top, with a purple bow hanging from the back.

One gloved hand rested upon the handle of a folded parasol—also green.  The ferrule rested upon the ground by her hem.  She smiled at the driver, who shuffled awkwardly in the presence of such a lady.   For Inverness, the woman was an exotic orchid among daisies.

She laughed, her wide mouth revealing even, white teeth.

With a jolt, Morgan realized he was looking at Emma.  It had to be her, for there was no other single woman travelers upon the platform.  Only, could it really be her?  There was nothing of the little girl he remembered.  Even her height was more than most ladies’.  Her head would be above Morgan’s shoulder, when most ladies’ heads did not reach it.

He moved toward the pair on the platform, his heart thudding in a hurried way, which bothered him.  Why would he feel embarrassed about not knowing if this creature was Emma?  It had been years…

The woman glimpsed his approach and gave one last word to the driver, who nodded, donned his cap and touched it and climbed back into the engine.

She turned to face Morgan, the parasol and her skirt twisting with the elegant movement.  “My, look at you.  You have become rather staid and sober, haven’t you, Morgan?”  Her voice was pleasantly low, with a burr in it.

“Someone must compensate for the family’s excesses,” Morgan replied.  “I understand you have contributed significantly to that side of the ledger, of late.”  He gave her a short nod of the head.  “Cousin Emma.”

“Cousin Morgan,” she intoned, then laughed.  “Oh, so polite!”

“This is not London,” he said shortly.  “People here are more conservative than you are used to.”

Her amusement faded.  “I am mortally aware of that fact,” she said, her tone just as snippy as his.  “Did I disrupt your affairs, Morgan?  I would apologize, only I had little choice in the matter, either.”

Morgan tamped down the irritation that tried to rise.  “Then we are both at sixes and sevens.  Where are your trunks?”  He looked around.  There was only one stack of trunks and bags left on the platform.  “I will have the porter take them out to the coach.  This way.”

He stood aside, and waved toward the station building.

Emma’s hand clenched over the handle of the parasol.  Then, with a lift of her chin, she swept passed him, a flutter of ribbons and lace and the soft whisper of sateen and gabardine, and beneath, silk.

Morgan breathed out his resentment and tried to make his shoulders relax.  He went to find the porter, instead.

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