Dystopian Science Fiction Short Story

More books by Cameron Cooper
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On a future Earth, what is left of humanity lives life to the hilt while denying a harsh truth…
One man, Kaloyan, has lived through that truth and knows what his friends are about to face, including one friend in particular….
And We Danced All Night is a science fiction short story by award-winning SF author Cameron Cooper.
Dystopian Science Fiction Short Story
Standalone Fiction by Cameron Cooper
And We Danced All Night
A Place for Everyone
A Room of Her Own
Space Opera Firsts
These stories are also available as a Special Bundle

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Electronic book, compatible with all reading devices. Book can be read on all devices and apps. [More info]

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Intriguing, to say the least. I read twice and picked up more in my second go through. I still feel as if I'm missing an important something. Need to read more about these characters background stories in order to finally say "oh, so that's it".
And We Danced All Night, by Cameron Cooper, is a short story about Kaloyan, a man with knowledge he can’t share. There’s actually more written between the lines of the story, that requires the reader to immerse themselves, rather than simply skim through it. My only regret is that it’s short, and not a full-length novel. Kaloyan is an intriguing character, deserving of more pages.
A dystopian story that is imaginative and thought provoking. A short read, definitely recommend.
A man who 'knows' what is to come for his friends. A retirement party, where retirement seems to have a special meaning. Intriguing dystopian vignette.
Sci Fi at its finest!
This story is set in place and time that stretches the imagination.
The characters have idiosyncrasies that intrigued me.
It's a small slice-of-life short story that hints at a whole different way of life and environment.
To round it out, there was a mind-bending conclusion that left me reeling.
Haunting little story. The title's full meaning is revealed through the telling of the story. It is one you will want to read more than once. The first read to enjoy the unfolding of the story, subsequent reads to appreciate the complexity and skillful way it was written.
AND WE DANCED ALL NIGHT is very sad with a tiny smidgen of hope. Very well written!
I loved this! A well written dystopian story that left me just, well, feeling sad. I actually read this story twice, each time it left me thoughtful after the story ended. I think Kaloyan was my favorite character: he is complex, experienced, and interesting. I would recommend this story to anyone who enjoys dystopian fiction.
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Odette and Petty didn’t seem to care that they were the only two at their table. The other two tables had at four people each. A couple perched upon the laps of others. Hands slid. Caressed. Eyes grew languid.
Kaloyan cleared his throat. “May I join you?”
Perry’s eyes narrowed.
Odette painted a polite smile upon her face. “We would be honoured if you would.”
“Odette…” Perry began.
She shook her head.
Kaloyan pulled out the other chair, brushed it off and settled on it as Odette poured the last of the bubbly into his glass.
Perry watched Kaloyan, wariness in his eyes.
Kaloyan had drunk enough to not care. “So, Odette…are you all ready for your retirement?”
Odette’s smile turned brittle, but held. “Oh yes.” Her tone was enthusiastic. “Not that I really need to pack much, of course. They say Perth is lovely at this time of year. Cooler. Not at all like here…” She glanced around, as if she had just noticed the heat.
Kaloyan nodded. “Are you storing everything else?”
The pair grew still. Faint pink touched Odette’s cheeks. Her throat worked.
“That’s a bit on the nose, isn’t it?” Perry murmured.
Kaloyan waved his hand. “I was just interested.”
“Well of course you would be interested!” Odette gave a merry laugh, relieved to find an excuse for him. She plucked at her chest. “My goodness, it is warm, isn’t it?”
Enjoy it while you can. Kaloyan thrust the words down, unspoken.
Odette sent her glance around the big room once more, seeking distraction. An interruption.
“Only three days,” Kaloyan added.
Perry straightened with a snap. “For the sake of the stars…!”
Kaloyan pressed on, knowing this was his one chance. “Have you explained it to the children? Do they understand that they’ll be old people when–”
“That’s enough!” Perry roared, thrusting to his feet.