KISS ACROSS BLADES by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Kiss Across Time series. Book 9.0 

Vampire Menage Urban Fantasy Time Travel Romance Novel

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The cost of saving his children is too high…

Since learning that time travel is real, Remi de Sauveterre has yearned to jump back two hundred years to revolutionary France to rescue his children the night they died. Only, the odds of creating a time paradox which will destroy everyone’s future are huge.

London would give Remi his heart’s desire if she only had the courage to attempt the dangerous jump back into his past, for she loves him and knows that refusing him will push him away from her and Neven.

Then she and Neven come across an alternative world where their son does not exist and, suddenly, the idea of risking everything to save their family seems worth it.  Only, time travel always goes wrong…

Reader Advisory: This time travel ménage romance story features two super-hot alpha vampire heroes and sex scenes, including anal sex and MM sexual play. Do not read this book if frank sexual language and sex scenes offend you. The time-space continuum was restored to order at the end of this book. Promise.

This book is part of the paranormal time travel Kiss Across Time series:
1.0: Kiss Across Time
2.0: Kiss Across Swords
2.1: Time Kissed Moments*
3.0: Kiss Across Chains
3.5: Kiss Across Time Box One
4.0: Kiss Across Deserts
5.0: Kiss Across Kingdoms
5.1: Time And Tyra Again*
6.0: Kiss Across Seas
6.5: Kiss Across Time Box Two
7.0: Kiss Across Worlds
7.1: Time And Remembrance*
8.0: Kiss Across Tomorrow
8.1: More Time Kissed Moments*
9.0: Kiss Across Blades
10.0: Kiss Across Chaos
11.0: Kiss Across the Universe
11.1 Kiss Across Memories
11.2: Even More Time Kissed Moments*
12.0: Kiss Across Forever
[*Time Kissed Moments are short stories, novellas and collections featuring the characters and situations featured in the Kiss Across Time series.]
The series has ongoing storylines and characters.  Reading the books in order is recommended.

This series is also available as a Special Bundle

{Also see: Urban Fantasy, Menage Romance, Paranormal Romance, Time Travel, Novels, Novellas.}

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Kiss Across Blades
Average rating:  
 13 reviews
 by Veronica Wald
A fantastic journey

Tracy Cooper-Posey has done it to me again, this time with her recent release, Kiss Across Blades - Book 9 of her Kiss Across Time series. I approached the series backwards by reading Book 9 first, however I became so involved with the characters and story I ended up reading it in one sitting - through the night - followed on successive nights by Books 1 and 2. To be honest, books featuring Time Travel Vampires did not feature on my To Be Read List but Tracy has totally converted me with her amazing imagination and ability to take her readers on a fantastic journey.

 by Kathi Soniat
Impeccable Time-Travel Story!!

What if you could go back in time and undo a tragedy. What if you might unravel all the threads of time and implode life as you know it. What if the person you loved had not recovered after centuries had past?

That is the basis for this story. But if you know the stories in this series you also know you will relate to every character, feel every emotion, get sizzling interactions and be on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. You will also be highly entertained and be made to think. Reader beware – this is highly addictive!!

 by Cyndi
Kiss Across Blades= En Gaurde'

I've had the privilege of reading a few of Tracy Cooper Posey 's books and I've enjoyed all those I've read.

I've read one other in this particular series , and although this is a huge jump forward from the one I read previously , this one was just as fantastic a read as everything else by this author.
Her talent for character depth , historical settings and backdrops are just superb.

As an added bonus this is a time travel / vampire historical romance with all the feels and edginess to keep your interest and flip the page to see what happens next!

Thank you , TRACY COOPER -POSEY! Always a treat to read your books cause I never know what will happen next till I read the next page!

 by Chandera
Amazing read

Tracy Cooper-Posey’s new book “Kiss Across Blades”, the 9th book in their series, was such an emotional read. I felt for London, Neven and Remi. London and Neven don’t feel like there enough for Remi for he wishes to go back in time to bring his children forward. He is welling to anything especially now since he has hope they are able to do so. There is so much pain between these three. But when in assignment London and Neven made a big decision. They are going back to bring back Reno’s children no matter the consequences. To find out what happens next I believe as a reader you should find out yourself. I highly recommend this book.

 by Beatriz
Kiss Across Blades

Kiss Across Blades is the ninth installment in the Kiss Across Time Series. This is the continuation of the story of London, Remi and Neven. This time, they come back to the past to take Remi's children from revolutionary France, but once there the plot twist is just brilliant, and I'll stop here lest I drop any spoilers 😉 Very delicate on human emotions and descriptive of people's real situation of those times, the author always delivers.

I always love to catch up with old characters, I'm very happy Tracy decided to come back to the series as it is one of my old time my favourites.

 by Audrey Cienki
Kiss Across Blades

As always, a very enjoyable story. I just love the conversations that take place in the book. They are so realistic and engaging, even the seemingly insignificant, everyday ones. And by the end of the book, London has found herself and her confidence.

Just make sure that you have some time to read Kiss Across Blades, because I know that once started I could not put it down.

 by Kat Z
Like Catching Up With Old Friends......

Another look into a group of people I feel like I know and like, these stories never fail to capture my attention and imagination. I always look forward to the next story in this wonderful series. Here is a great story arc for Remi, London, and Neven. Remi is one complicated guy full of angst and sadness. Following him and his family on a journey instigated by him throws them and us into the past, where life is not easy and surprises await. A great addition to the Kiss Across Time series.

 by Heather Baxter
Kiss Across Blades

The cover looks fab, the intro is just too inviting & this is what all of us in this "club" have been waiting for. Can't wait to actually read it. Thanks for not giving up on us or

 by Linda
A twist through time

It’s rare to find an engrossing time-travel series that also features vampires, their mates as well as alternate worlds. This author takes you by the hand and leads you book by book into rich unfolding worlds; in this story we again meet London, Remi & Neven as their story leads them back in time to revolutiory France to prevent the loss of Remi's children in a tragic event. The beautifully drawn characters depicted are charismatic, complex and three dimensional letting you travel on an emotional journey with them through their struggles to build, maintain and enhance their relationships . What an emotional rollercoaster of a journey with twists and turns, sadness and humour throughout and always a HEA! The Kiss across time series is one of my all time faves and I cannot recommenin this book them enough!

 by Hester Helm
Time Travel Romance and Adventure

What a fantastic story!! I could not put this book down once I started reading it. Tracy weaves a super tale of heartbreak, fierce heart longing and unexpected action in Remy, London and Neven's life.

Remy grieves for his lost children, but when London and Neven agrees to return through time to retrieve them, spanners fly into the works and time itself does a number on them. The plot thickens, twists and turns down unimaginable roads filled with astonishment and fast paced action.

They suddenly find themselves in a completely different historical setting than what Remy remembers and things unravel fast from there. Brilliantly written, fast paced and super sexy. The plot is rich and completel unpredictable. I loved every second of it. I do recommend reading the series in order to understand this story better. I am pleased to report that this tale has a very happy ending. Well done Tracy on a beautiful book!

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When Sydney patted the empty half of the loveseat next to her, while still talking to Taylor, London hid her momentary upset and settled upon the cushion.  There was no harm in Remi talking to Liberty, after all.  Even if her heart did jump at the sight.   She listened to the two women, trying to shrug off the touch of angst.

They were talking about silverfish in their linen closets.  The banal domestic topic made London blink.

“You look confused, London,” Taylor said.  “You don’t get silverfish in Brittany?”

“I do,” London said, with a grimace.  “It just seems like a…well, you two have crossed history multiple times.  The things you must have seen!  But you sit here and talk about insects.”

“It’s a nice change of pace,” Sydney confessed.  “It reminds me of human concerns.”

“It keeps Sydney humble, is what she really means,” Taylor said, smiling.

Sydney raised her brow.  “And you, too.”

“I have no need to be humbled,” Taylor said archly.  “I live with the two biggest egos on the planet.”

“I heard that,” Veris growled.

Taylor blew him a kiss.

Alexander, who had been talking to Veris, laughed.  “We should move inside and let those with metabolisms eat dinner.”

“Second dinner, for Liberty,” Sydney said, nodding her head to draw Alexander’s attention to where Remi was wiping the girl’s hands and the ends of his hair with a wet cloth, removing sauce from both.

Even the sight of that little domestic task made London’s belly cramp.

“Rafe is feeding Jason,” London said, lifting her voice.  “That just leaves me, and I’m good for now.”

Alexander shrugged and settled back in his chair.  “Where were we, then?” he asked Veris.

“Actually, I have a question,” Remi said, also raising his voice to include everyone beneath the pergola.   He folded the damp cloth and rested it on the arm of the chair.   “It’s a technical question.  Is it alright to ask it in present company?”  His gaze didn’t shift to Liberty, who sat with her long legs up against her chest in the corner of the armchair next to Remi’s.

“Perfect fine,” Alex said.  “Ask away.”

Remi scratched at the back of his neck.  He kept his hair a little longer than was fashionable, these days, but not long enough to tie back or even up in a knot, which pleased London.  She wasn’t sure what she thought about man buns, yet.  Although Neven had explained that resisting fashion was a way of marking themselves as not of this era, so no matter what they felt about beards and top knots and piercings, sometimes they had to adopt those standards.

“I was wondering about the…well, the mechanics involved in bringing Liberty forward,” Remi said.  “I know it was a compound jump.”

Neven stiffened.  He said nothing, made no sound at all, but London could feel the tension in him.  She knew exactly what he was feeling, because the same uneasiness bloomed in her.

She stared at Remi, wishing there was a way she could demand he take the question back.  But to say anything at all would expose her fear to everyone sitting in the loose circle around the trio of drum tables.

“It wasn’t compound in the sense that I crossed to an alternative time,” Sydney said.  “Although it was across the timescape, so it was compound in that regard.  I always get Neven’s definitions mixed up, though.  What’s the name of a jump taken across the timescape, but not across worlds, Neven?”

Neven didn’t answer.  He stared at Remi, who seemed oblivious to his regard.

“Neven?” Veris said softly, as everyone stared at Neven.

London couldn’t move.  Her heart thudded in her ears and her eyes ached.

Taylor pulled her gaze away from Neven, to look at London quizzically.  Her amused expression faded.  “London?”

It was too late to hide anything.  Her tears spilled.  London wiped them quickly.

Remi didn’t look at either of them.  He kept his gaze upon Sydney.  His jaw was tight.

Veris cleared his throat. “This isn’t really about Liberty at all, is it?”

Neven stirred.  He looked down at his hands.  He didn’t speak.

Veris swiveled his gaze to London.

London swiped at her cheeks again. Now she knew what the thing was that she had not been able to pin down, earlier.  The nagging worry that would not surface.  Had Remi been building up to this all day?


“London?” Veris said, his tone just as soft as before.

She realized that she would have to reveal the details to everyone, after all.  It was already out there. Veris and the others would dig until they had it all.  London said, “Not long after Jason was born, Remi spoke about going back to when he was human.  To bring his children forward to this time.”

Everyone looked at Remi.

He shook his head.  “It was a theoretical question about Liberty.  I was curious. Compound or linear or whatever.  That is all.”  Yet his jaw was iron hard.  Anger glinted in his eyes.  He was on the defensive.

“We have listened to you long enough, Veris,” London said.  “We know the dangers of a straight jump like that.  And I didn’t think I could manage a compound jump.  I’m still not sure I could.  The more stories we heard about time jumps gone wrong, the more we knew we couldn’t take the risk.  Remi died that night—the timing would have to be flawless, and…and…” her voice grew strained as her throat tightened up.  Oh, the dangers they would risk, if they tried!

Remi looked away, his jaw working.

Neven shaded his eyes with a hand, hiding them.

“I thought we had put it behind us,” London whispered.

No one spoke for the longest time.

Vampires, when they were still, were very still.  Trees showed more movement. And everyone held still now, their gaze upon Remi, or upon London.

Veris stirred and rubbed his jaw.  “It is dangerous.  Not because of the difficulties of the jump, which merely depend upon a well-traced route through the timescape—”

“Only you could call it simple,” Sydney shot back. “You don’t have to navigate it.”

Veris inclined his head in acknowledgement.  “It doesn’t remove the dangers of paradox, of screwing up the timeline—”

“Why are we even speaking about this at all?” Brody demanded.  “It’s flat out a bad idea.  Let’s move on.”

“We should talk about it because three of my friends are in pain,” Veris replied, his voice flat.  “Look at them, Brody.”

Brody ran his hands through his hair, his gaze flitting from Neven to Remi, to London.  She didn’t bother wiping her cheeks.  Everyone but her and Liberty were vampires in this tight little group.  They could all hear her heart beating hard.  Her harsh breath.  They could probably smell the salt in her tears.  She had got used to the idea that there was no such thing as true privacy with vampires.  They were able to detect far too much about a human’s physiology and deduce from there.

“We know it’s not worth the risk,” Neven said, his voice low.  “Only, to deny Remi this…it hurts.”

“It would destroy the timeline,” London whispered.

“Would it, though?” Sydney asked, her tone thoughtful.

Veris rolled his eyes.  “And here we go…”

Sydney threw out her hand.  “They died, Veris.  It’s not like Remi would be plucking them out of the life they would have lived.  They didn’t get a life.”

“There were no bodies,” Remi said.  “Not that anyone could find.  Not that I could find, and I searched.  For hours and hours.  Days.”  He swallowed.  “Their headstones were placed over empty graves.”  He dropped his gaze to his knees.

London wept at the agony in Remi’s voice.  “I would take you back there in a heartbeat, if I only knew I could,” she whispered.  “If I knew a way to do it without destroying our own future at the same time.”

“Would you destroy it, though?” Sydney asked.  “If the future changes, we wouldn’t be aware of it.  We’d simply move off along the new path, ignorant of what might have been.”

“We would change our now,” Veris said, his tone harsh.  “This moment, the only one anyone gets.  This is what would change.  So we jump Remi back to that burning house—”

“Veris!” Taylor said sharply, her gaze shifting to Liberty, who sat with her eyes very wide, shifting her gaze from Veris to Sydney.

Veris subsided.  “Sorry,” he muttered and scrubbed at his hair.  “But my point still stands.  We jump Remi back, he steals the kids away at the very last moment.  Only, we come back to here and find that…shit, I don’t know.  It’s two hundred years—a lot could be affected by something even that small.   Taylor was never born, we never learned about time jumping, which means no Alex, Sydney and Rafe, either.  It could be a complete disaster and it’s what you would jump back to.  Forget the future you don’t know about.  This is now, and it would be your fault you fucked it up.”

London flinched.

Sydney picked up her hand and soothed the back of it.  “Only, no one back then would see Remi take them.  Nothing would change,” she pointed out.

Veris shook his head.  “Something has changed.  The children aren’t in the…the ruins,” he amended.  “Time doesn’t care if Remi is seen by another human or not.  Time itself is affected.  Quantum mechanics says he’s introduced a change, which will create other changes.”

“Small ones.”

“Which can grow into huge ones even in two hundred years,” Veris shot back.  “Why are we even arguing about this?  We all understand the physics. The butterfly effect is real.”

“Someone who might have heard them crying out won’t hear that sound and won’t be changed by it, for example,” Brody added.

Sydney shook her head.  “The risk of change is much smaller than it might normally be. There were no bodies found.  No one saw them die.  If Remi isn’t seen—”

“It doesn’t matter if he’s seen,” Veris flared.

“Not all changes are bad,” Sydney said complacently.  She didn’t seem to be even a little bit taken aback by Veris’ vehemence.  “Sometimes they’re needed.”

“Tell that to Taylor with a straight face,” Veris growled.  “Or have you forgotten kneeling in her blood while she died with her…”  His gaze shifted to Liberty once more.  “While she died,” he finished, his voice grating.

“And perhaps that was supposed to happen,” Sydney said calmly.   “This, right here,” she added, tapping her foot on the flagstones.  “This is the only timeline which counts, Veris.  You’ve said it over and over.  Humans live subjective lives.  Time is completely objective.  We can’t live our lives according to some other timeline.  We can only take care of this one.  Solipsism says so.”

Veris scowled.  London might have found it amusing, watching Veris have his own arguments turned back on him, had her gut not been so churned up right then.

Sydney lifted London’s hand, then put it back in London’s lap.  “They are here, therefore, this is their world and timeline to preserve.  Sometimes preserving the timeline includes steering it toward a better alternative.”

London shrank back.  They were really considering this?

Remi, though, was leaning forward, his expression eager, his eyes filled with fiery hope.

London’s eyes pricked all over again.  “You’re teasing Remi,” she said, raising her voice.  “How could you?”

The silence that came told her she had surprised everyone.

Veris held up his hand.  “London is right.  I apologize.  This is not a matter for theoretical arguments.  Remi, I’m sorry.”

Remi sat back with sigh.  He nodded stiffly.

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