Harley Firebird 7.0

Urban Fantasy Novel

More books by Taylen Carver
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Harley learns that everyone hides something, even the Old Races…

It’s summer and Falconer is exploding with tourists who want to spot the Old Races in their native habitat.  Harley and her police officers find keeping the peace a challenge.  Then a dear friend of Harley’s is found murdered and Harley must face a raw truth: That she didn’t know her friend very well at all.

Investigating the murder pulls Harley into dark, unexpected pockets of life in Falconer that threaten her town and the people she thought were friends….

The Angel Who Wasn’t
is part of the Harley Firebird urban fantasy series, which is set in the same fantasy world as Taylen Carver’s Magorian & Jones series.

The Harley Firebird series:
1.0: The Dragon of Falconer
2.0: The Orc Who Cried
3.0: The Shepherd of Fire
4.0: The Mad Folk of Falconer
5.0: The Badge of Our Tribe
5.5: Harley Firebird Files
6.0: The Firebird’s Regret
7.0: The Angel Who Wasn’t
8.0: The Shield of Falconer

Contemporary Fantasy Novelettes & Novels

This series is also available as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Urban Fantasy, Novelettes, Novels}

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The Angel Who Wasn't
Average rating:  
 4 reviews
 by Dina Bushrod
Secrets, prejudices, known or unknown can bring harm. Can't we all just get along

Had an awesome read in book 7 of the Harley Firebird series.  Everyone can have secrets, everyone can have prejudices , even without realizing it. When these are uncovered a person can just say "Noooo, that's not true". But eventually it will smack you in the face. Unfortunately, in this story, it takes the murder of a person, who had finally found joy in living, to bring the truth to light. Why can't we all just get along. The city and citizens of Falconer, it's sheriff Harley Von Canmore and other great characters, are all brought to life in this, not your ordinary, fantasy series.

 by Marjorie
Does changing outside change who you are inside?

In a small town like Falconer news may get around fast, but there are still secrets. Investigating the shocking death of the town's beloved seamstress reveals some very uncomfortable truths. Tourists, bored teenagers, angry ex's, professional criminals, hidden prejudice....this town has a lot going on! This book has a slightly more relaxed pace than previous books in the series, which I really appreciated as it afforded an opportunity to get to know some characters a little better that we've only seen in passing. Still a riveting read I finished in one sitting.

This is a longer book than previous installments in the series which gives it a bit of a different feel as if has a more complex plot with several different threads coming together in unexpected ways. Plus a cross over with Dr Jones visiting from the Magorian and Jones series. Book 7 in the series, but this one is written as a standalone and gives enough information that it can be enjoyed without reading other books in the series if you are ok with a few spoilers for previous books.

 by Craig Richard Covey
Pride and Prejudice

Did you ever notice that those who are the most prejudiced are also the most proud to be whatever they are, regardless of whether the rest of society would even consider them socially acceptable or successful? It doesn't really matter what someone is prejudiced against, for some it's religion, for others it's a nationality, for still others it may be sexual, age, race, or maybe a handicap. There are as many different prejudices as there are ways people use to excuse them. The Angel Who Wasn't introduces a community filled with "others" but I think I'd be quite happy to live alongside of any of them.

 by Susanne H.
My favourite world

I absolutely love the world Taylen Carver created- so unique! A virus turns human in “Old Ones”, who have to find out about everything what that means, expelled by humankind, without rights. In the small Canadian city Falconier everybody caught the virus, even if not everybody changed yet. Hailey Firebird is the police chief and has not only to solve crimes but also has to learn about her ability as one of two known firebirds. The storytelling is not only gripping, it covers a lot of themes to think about- like prejudice or respect. And the appereance of Dr. Michael Jones (one of the main characters in the other series of Taylen) is the cherry on top!

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Bohdan and Harley had arrived at the airport just as the flight from Madrid landed, so their wait for the doctor had been minimal. It had been a strategic decision to arrive so late, for in the few short minutes they’d stood watching the international arrival doors opening to spill passengers onto the public concourse, Harley’s wings had attracted attention. Plus, in here, she couldn’t wear her sunglasses, which meant the fiery red dots of horny skin over her brows—the markers all Old Ones of the Fire element shared—were highly visible, too.

There were no other Old Ones anywhere in the concourse, so Harley’s presence drew the gaze of everyone waiting for new arrivals. People did classic double-takes, or murmured behind their hands, or tried hard to look like they were doing anything but stare at her. Children tugged on parents’ sleeves and pointed.

As the arrival doors opened once more, Bohdan swayed toward her and murmured, “At least they’re not asking you to leave.” For the airport’s internal security staff were hovering, also carefully not staring at her.

Harley grimaced. “The uniforms are probably making them hesitate.” For they both wore the simple black uniform of the Falconer police department—plain black button-through shirts with the town’s emblem hand embroidered by one of the nimble-fingered folk of Falconer over the breast. Black cargo pants and black steel-toed boots with high-grip rubber soles, and a thick black belt with a utility pouch where Harley kept the current burner phone, and loops that normally held blackjacks and other items they’d left in the car.

Harley’s shirt had two splits up the back, so she could thread it over her wings. Velcro held the splits together under her wings, so the shirt looked perfectly normal. Harley’s friend, Noel ap Tailor, had figured out how to adapt human clothes for Old Ones, and earned herself the gratitude of the entire town, including Harley.

The uniforms were simple enough, but they declared Bohdan and Harley to be law enforcement officers, even without stripes and metal badges and peaked hats. Their appearance would be giving the airport security guards pause.

“That has to be him,” Bohdan said, nodding with his head and drawing Harley’s attention to the arrival doors.

The man moving through them was tall and might have been called slender, except his shoulders were wide. Short black hair lay in loose curls, over pale features and very black eyes, which scanned the hall. Then his gaze found Harley. He smiled and lifted his hand, and changed directions to head toward them. He carried only a single duffel bag.

His smile widened as he reached them. “The wings work even better than a name card, don’t they? Prynhawn da, Harley von Canmore.” His accent was not nearly as strong as it was on their Zoom calls, but his precise pronunciation and lovely tenor remained.

She found herself grinning back. “You finally made it to my place. It’s great to meet you in person, Michael.” She waved toward Bohdan. “This is Bohdan Kask, one of my two deputies.”

“And your driver,” Bohdan added. He nodded at Michael Jones. “I’ve heard a lot about you, doc.”

Michael Jones’ smile was easy. “And I look forward to hearing a lot about you and Falconer, Officer Kask.”

“I’m just Bohdan. We don’t stand on ceremony much in Falconer.” He stirred. “Can I take the bag for you?” He glanced at Harley. “If we drive out in the next ten minutes, we’ll duck another hour’s parking charge.”

“I need a fast walk to stretch out,” Michael said, hanging onto the bag. “Commercial plane seats aren’t designed for someone my height.”

“Or someone with my wings,” Harley added. “Let’s go before security gets up the guts to ask us to leave.”

It had been just after three p.m. when Bohdan eased the Explorer out onto the Calgary freeway system that would deliver them onto the Queen Elizabeth II highway and, after that, a series of minor highways to Falconer.

It was close to four-thirty as Bohdan steered the Explorer into the long slow curve to the northwest that came just before the near-hairpin turn the road took to run across the Red Deer River and into town.

“We have to stop at Moira’s, remember, boss?” Bohdan said quietly.

“Then we’d better stop,” Harley said lightly.

“Moira…Falconer?” Michael said, clearly dredging the full name from their conversations over the last few months. “The Grand Dame of Falconer?” He bent around the seat to look at Harley. “I’m to be presented?”

“She’s not like that,” Harley assured him.

Bohdan snorted. “Yeah, she is.”

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