THE VISTARIA AFFAIR by Tracy Cooper-Posey
Vistaria Has Fallen. Book 6.5
Military Romantic Suspense Series Boxed Set

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The entire six book military thriller romance series in one boxed set.
Military-style romantic suspense with a twist; The Latin American island nation of Vistaria and its people suffer through a revolution and its ugly aftermath, while the nation’s heroes work to save those they love from the chaos.
The Vistaria Has Fallen Series:
1.0: Vistaria Has Fallen
2.0: Prisoner of War
3.0: Hostage Crisis
4.0: Freedom Fighters
5.0: Casualties of War
6.0: V-Day
6.5: The Vistaria Affair, Box Set
[Reader Note:Â This series was previously published as erotic romance titles in the Vistaria Affair series. This new edition has been re-written for a general audience and re-titled.]
This series is also available as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Romance, Romantic Suspense, Romantic Thriller, Novels}

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I had originally read each of these six books separately when each of them were published. But there is something so much better about reading each of these one after the other. The overall story was all the better for me after reading them over again. It was so nice to re-meet Nick and Calli, Duardo and Minnie, Daniel and Olivia, Garrett and Carmen, Adán and Parris, Cristián and Chloe, and even Rubén and Téra again. These books are full of revolution, murder, fighting, spies, heartbreak, and even frightening terrorist acts, and yet through it all there is a ribbon of love and family. A wonderfully imagined island nation and it's stories of all the people who struggle to save it from the nasty Insurrectos. I highly recommend you find a nice little corner and settle in for a wonderful read.
Awesome boxed set! I had read all of these books individually in the original format. Each was a wonderfully enjoyable read. What I realized as I read each through again in this boxed set, is how much I had missed reading them separated by long periods of time. If you have read them before, It’s time to read them again. If this is your first foray into Vistaria, buckle up, it’s a great ride.
I read an advance review copy of this set.
If you have not already read the individual books of this series or even if you have; the boxset is a must have. There is suspense, romance and political intrigue. This is a series will you not want to put down till the end.
The world-building in this series is phenomenal. Vistaria has many similarities to other South American countries, but with local lore and festivals and customs and dress just different enough to make the island unique.
What you can expect from this series: non-stop, heart-pulsing action, political intrigue, espionage, unexpected twists and turns, take-charge men that will stop at nothing to protect their loved ones and restore Vistaria to its former honorable glory and their fierce, strong women who find they are capable of so much more than even they realize when it comes to helping their men. There are characters you can’t help but love and characters you love to hate. And, of course, Ms. Cooper-Posey’s unique brand of heart-wrenchingly beautiful soul-deep emotional connections.
This series is un-put-downable and will have you alternately cheering, crying and fist-pumping
Tracy Cooper-Posey has definately done it again. The Vistaria Affair book set was a wonderful way to read these stories. I have never liked reading a book and then waiting for the sequel. With this set I was able to read it all.
There is love, hate, war friends, family, enemies, spies, and more involved in the making of this awesome series.
I love how having Callie come to help out her uncle with his daughter would lead to several books with a wonderful story woven within. This was worth the time it took to read. I highly recommend this set to everyone.
I should have known better than to start one of Tracy’s stories (let alone this collection) before bedtime, but who needs sleep anyway? I could not put it down. This series would make a great movie. With non-stop action and engaging conversations, these stories flow effortlessly from scene to scene. Only Tracy could stage a rescue during a Cat-4 hurricane. Tracy Cooper-Posey delivers it all in this series.
When reading, I always try to guess how a story will turn out but I was very surprised by the twists, turns and subsequent resolutions in this great story line. And so realistic. Tracy tells an exciting story without sacrificing any of the basic human interactions.
And finally! I just loved all of the characters in this story. And the way it all pulled together, I felt like this series was a gift in a nicely wrapped package with a bow on top. If you like action and adventure with a bit of romance, this book is for you. That being said, thank you Tracy for this wonderful series.
What an absolute treasure trove of excitement, romance, nerve wracking battles and all kinds of events that will keep you entranced. The characters are natural, a little flawed and so very heartwarming. Except for the bad guys. They’re nasty! There was a deep, deep pleasure in being able to binge read the entire series straight through. Who needs to eat, drink or sleep anyway!
Warning: You are about to find yourself delightedly, completely immersed in this family and their cause. Meanwhile, no matter what else happens in this book, know that it is a straight up, beautiful love story. Enjoy!
i love this series full of action, tension, suspense and romance.It's easy to read the books as stand alone but the red line " Vistaria survival" that run across all the series is much better when red in order as we get news about differents characters and how they acts on their sides and the effects it can have on other characters and on the country.
Having all the series in one box set is simply fabulous to avoid missing anything as it's quite a captivating series that would make a great action film
This story has a little bit of everything which makes it exciting read. and great story line it also has action packed with suspense, and mystery. I would recommend this book also another great read, good job Tracy.
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Calli gripped the bars in the window, stretched up on her toes and looked out upon the carefree people celebrating La Fiesta de la Luna fifteen feet below. When she had arrived on the island, a scan five hours ago, she’d had no time or patience for the festival Vistarian citizens celebrated for the three nights of the first summer full moon. It wasn’t her choice to be here. If she had been given a choice, she would still be home in Montana, sitting in her big armchair, the latest The Economist on her iPad. Dragging her suitcase through the swirling revelry had annoyed her.
Now, though, she would give anything to be in the square, mingling with them. She wanted to be free. Instead, for the last three hours and twenty-five minutes, she had been in this jail.
She put her back to the window and faced the bars of the dingy cell in which she stood. It was barely a cell. Two short walls of bars penned her in a three foot square corner. Although, when she looked at the rest of the room, she welcomed the bars.
The holding cell of the Lozano Colinas city police barracks was on the second floor of an adobe building on a large, rectangular, cobble-stoned public square. The walls of the room had once been white. Now they were a dirty yellow-gray from years of dirt and smoke. It was a hot, airless room.
Five men occupied the room. They wore green army uniform pants with red stripes along the side seams and dirty white collarless dress shirts. Their green jackets hung over the backs of their chairs. One jacket hung from a nail driven into the wall.
It was clear they resented being on duty on the first night of the festival, for they were holding their own party. Bottles of whiskey and black rum with colorful labels dotted the round table with the battered, stained wood surface. Half-a-dozen old tobacco tins sat between them as ashtrays for the cigars and thin yellow, harsh-smelling cigarettes they smoked.
The four swarthy, sweating men played cards, laughed and spoke in loud voices. From their gestures and expressions, Calli guessed the conversation was ribald. Many of the comments were about her, for they would glance at her, then comment in the bastardized Spanish that was common here. A deep belly laugh followed.
Their thick cigarette smoke fogged the air and the big, multi-colored Vistarian currency cluttered the table.
In the corner opposite her cell, the leader of the group—possibly a sergeant—sat on a stool with a woman on his knee. He gripped her waist as he whispered into her ear. Her clothes were similar to those Calli had seen in the few short minutes she had been on the streets outside the airport tonight. She wore a white off-the-shoulder blouse, a dark cummerbund and yards and yards of long skirt in panels of glowing, multi-colored silk that floated about her tanned legs. With her dark, straight hair wound into a bun on the back of her neck and a spray of the odd blue Wisteria tucked behind one ear, plus hoop earrings, the woman looked wonderful.
Every woman dressed that way had been intriguing. They moved with the sophisticated confidence of sensual, mature women, their hips swinging. Calli had never mastered that confident poise.
The sergeant’s hand pushed inside the woman’s blouse. Beneath the cotton, his fingers cupped her breast, the thumb moving as he stroked the nipple. The woman gave a small, low laugh. Her shoulders arched to give him easy access.
Calli swallowed. It seemed La Fiesta de la Luna shared Mardi Gras’ lack of inhibitions. A fear-filled thought struck her. Is that why the soldiers stare at me that way?
She looked back at card game and caught another furtive glance thrown her way. A low comment. A chuckle that moved around the table.
Yes, she decided. They were sizing her up.
She brushed at her pants, wishing she had worn shapeless sackcloth for the flight. The jeans and tee-shirt were perfectly respectable in Montana. The waist-band sitting at her hips was conservative compared to what her students wore.
Now she was conscious of the ribbon of flesh that sometimes appeared beneath her tee-shirt. The shirt was a favorite and fit snugly from too many washings.
Calli turned away from the table. She watched through the tiny, barred window. She would stare at the endless carousing on the street for hours if it meant she didn’t have to look at the men behind her. Her knowledge of Latin America countries came from books, yet her gut said watching the soldiers would invite trouble.
How could she get out of this mess? They hadn’t offered a phone call before throwing her in here. There had been no paperwork of any kind. How would anyone—Minnie, Uncle Josh—even know she was here?