Kiss Across Time series. Book 8.1
Vampire Menage Urban Fantasy Time Travel Romance Collection of Short Stories

More books by Tracy Cooper-Posey
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Where is Rafael?
Rafael is missing, with not a trace of him to be found, not even on the Timescape.
In a volume of interconnected short stories, snippets and conversations, Veris’ extended family of vampires and time jumpers comes together in unexpected ways, united by their need to find Rafael and get him back.
Reader Advisory: This time travel ménage romance collection features at least two super-hot alpha vampire heroes, multiple sex scenes, including anal sex and MM sexual play. Do not read this book if frank sexual language and sex scenes offend you. The time-space continuum was restored to order at the end of this book. Promise.
This book is part of the paranormal time travel Kiss Across Time series:
1.0: Kiss Across Time
2.0: Kiss Across Swords
2.1: Time Kissed Moments*
3.0: Kiss Across Chains
3.5: Kiss Across Time Box One
4.0: Kiss Across Deserts
5.0: Kiss Across Kingdoms
5.1: Time And Tyra Again*
6.0: Kiss Across Seas
6.5: Kiss Across Time Box Two
7.0: Kiss Across Worlds
7.1: Time And Remembrance*
8.0: Kiss Across Tomorrow
8.1: More Time Kissed Moments*
9.0: Kiss Across Blades
10.0: Kiss Across Chaos
11.0: Kiss Across the Universe
11.1 Kiss Across Memories
11.2: Even More Time Kissed Moments*
12.0: Kiss Across Forever
[*Time Kissed Moments are short stories, novellas and collections featuring the characters and situations featured in the Kiss Across Time series.]
The series has ongoing storylines and characters. Reading the books in order is recommended.
This series is also available as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Urban Fantasy, Menage Romance, Paranormal Romance, Time Travel, Novels, Novellas.}

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More Time Kissed Moments was a menagerie of time line events brought forth by the mysterious disappearance of Rafe! Where did he go!? Why? Is he in trouble? His family of acquaintances pull together all their resources despite petty differences and previous conflicts in order to search for Rafe! I loved the clips of living within the timeline of Rafes was like stepping into home videos of specific events in life to solve his mysterious disappearance! Creative and Amazing!
This is a great book, with additional little stories about each triad and how they fit together as a family. this is brought about when one of their own goes missing and they all go searching for this lost family member.
It is a great book and a must to include in your series of Kiss Across Time.
I really love how original Tracy manages to be in a genre where everything seems to have been written. More Time Kissed Moments are short stories but the geniality of it is they are all interconnected! Little snippets for us to enjoy. I really really like having the opportunity to get back to characters I love, it's a wonder how steady, prolific and true to his readers this author is. If you like Kiss Across Time series don't miss on this! It's very time rewarding!
I just loved revisiting some of my favorite characters from this series in this book. The book brings together characters from across the entire Time Kissed Universe.
Some of my favorite parts are (1) the humor! Really!!!! Ha! and (2) the time travel part of the story and the explanations in regard to the loops which were astounding and told in a logical, well thought out manner.
Like Tracy’s other stories, More Time Kissed Moments is about people living their lives and about their love for one another. In this story, you follow Rafe as he teaches everyone to live and love and finally he himself learns to live and love. All in all, another great story from Tracy Cooper-Posey.
I loved reading this rich, complex and interesting tapestry of interwoven lives and loves.
An intriguing series of stories, built from snipets of the past, to create an ever-more complex picture of the characters contributing to the overall plot and mystery of the main thread.
Fantastic characters are made real and captivating through their passionate and compassionate interactions with partners, family and their extended group of friends.
The sexual heat and interactions of the different characters are true to what we have previously seen of each couple.
The passion of the characters in the first novel of the series is ignited again in one of the flash backs and provides a very interesting cause and effect plot within that tale.
The overall storytelling flows beautifully even with lots of flashbacks and many characters' input.
The writing style provides enough detail to immerse you in the story, whether it be current times or some snap shot of a historical era, without weighing you down with extraneous elements to distract from an excellent tale!
It's definitely a book that needs to be read in the correct order of the Kiss Across Time series.
If you have read all others in the series a while ago, as I did, then don't despair of getting lost as there was enough information in each flashback to help jog my memory of who is with whom and how they all fit together.
This is definitely a must-read book within the series and not a short story mix that you could choose to leave out of the series.
I'd highly recommend the whole series, it's one of my favourite series ever: made up of complex characters and their enthralling interactions; absorbing immersive historical experiences; and intriguing storylines that are very unpredictable!
This is like “Behind the scenes”, “The making of” and “out-takes” all wrapped in one! We get deeper glimpses into the characters, explanatory scenes and delightful vignettes of characters from this stellar series. If you are not familiar with this series, you are definitely missing out!!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE every one of these books. PLEASE don't stop now. Can't wait for the next one.
Cooper-Posey's writing is always brilliant, and "More Time Kissed Moments" is a great read because not only does it tie together so many fantastic stories and revisit characters I adore, it's also something of a stand-alone story. (Figure THAT one out! But hey, this series is all about genre-bending, so this is very true to form. Yay!)
Rafe has always been an interesting character: someone who cares so deeply for others, but somehow he always seems to hold himself slightly apart. I love a quiet, supporting character, don't you? It's about time he got his own story, to find out what makes him tick! I've been a fan of Ms. Cooper-Posey for quite a while, so I was really excited to get the chance to review an ARC of this book. (I absolutely loved her Sci-Fi series, Interspace Origins. If you love Sci-Fi, I HIGHLY recommend it.)
There's something fascinating and cerebral about a "Kiss Across Time" story that's more than your usual fantasy-time-travel-story. You have to be able to follow the logic and yes, even a bit of actual science, from time-to-time (OK, pun intended, I couldn't help myself,) to get full enjoyment out of it, which is one of the best things about them, in my humble opinion...
Smart characters, smart writing, smart dialog... if you're a fan of the series, you'd be smart to pick up "More Time Kissed Moments."
I loved this new book to the authors time travel series. This story is following up on the previous book; Rafael is missing and his family and friends try desperately to find the reason. She gives us moments, between known characters, that help us full in missing information. We get to see the past that shaped the characters we've enjoyed reading about and how it's affected them in the present. They travel to different times as they look for clues and rediscover who they were then and we learn why they did what they did. Others learn for the first time, as well as us the readers, things that occurred to those they love. We see through the authors research and writing skills how the past looked and how the people lived. It's a fascinating book of past and present with all its cruel, intriguing, captivating, loving, and at times humorous events. Where is Rafael and why did he leave. Do these visits to the past give them any clues? If you've been one of the many readers following these time traveling vampires and humans, I heartily implore you to read this short, but jam packed with new knowledge, addition to the series.
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As soon as Veris was low enough to see into the big room, he looked down at the colorful rag rugs covering the hardwood floor and the worn sofas and armchairs—veterans of a dozen different lives and houses. Their used, comfortable patina matched the warm golden wood paneling on the walls. The lighting was also a pleasant yellow, although daylight emitting overhead fluorescents could be switched on if decent working light was needed.
Sydney stood with her arms crossed, chewing at the ball of her thumb, her golden brows creased together. She wore gym pants and no makeup and watched the monitors on the wall which showed views of the main floor of the house and every potential angle of approach on the outside.
Veris glanced at Alex, then came to a halt on the stairs, for Alex was covered in dried blood, his clothes ripped and dirty, his hair ruffled and his eyes haunted.
“What the hell happened?” Veris demanded, moving down the rest of the stairs at a speed that would have made Kit McDonald’s jaw drop.
Sydney dropped her arms and turned to Veris, her jaw working. “Rafe is missing.”
Veris frowned. “Missing,” he repeated, trying to encompass how anyone could go missing, when at least five people in the family—including Sydney—could reach across the timescape and find anyone, no matter where they were.
“He was taken,” Alex said, his voice strained.