
Getting Free Books – Some Controversial Thoughts

Free books are everywhere. You can find them on every major retail platform, on author websites, in BookFunnel and StoryOrigin giveaways, at signings, in newsletters, and beyond. Readers can easily fill their e-readers with thousands of books without spending a dime. I know this because I’ve done it myself.

But here’s where things get interesting: Readers are increasingly frustrated when an author asks them to sign up for an email list in exchange for a free book. I’ve heard readers say they feel like they “should” be able to get the book with no strings attached. That signing up is a hassle. That they don’t want “more emails.”

Let’s unpack that a little.

Other Places to Find Good Books: Kickstarter and Other Crowdfunding

If you’ve been in the book community for any length of time, you probably already know that publishing has transformed in a huge way. Digital books, self-publishing platforms, and audiobook giants have given authors so many new avenues to share their stories with you. But let’s step off the well-trodden paths of traditional publishing and big online bookstores for a moment and explore a more exciting alternative: crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and Patreon.

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