Writing a Lot Isn’t Intimidating—It’s Just Math

I’ve spent the last couple of posts being pretty firm about the importance of doing the work. In Hauling the Bricks and The Indie Author’s Scam Survival Guide, we talked about how there’s no magic shortcut—just putting in the effort, day after day, is what gets you there.

Why Reading Is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Yourself

There are a lot of great habits out there—exercise, eating well, getting enough sleep—but let’s be honest: nothing feels quite as good as curling up with a great book and getting lost in a story. And here’s the best part: it turns out that reading isn’t just a fantastic escape—it’s actually good for you.

Inbox Reboot – Part 5: Filtering Beyond the Inbox

Filtering your emails into sub-folders is a great start, but sub-folders should be temporary storage, not a long-term solution. Email programs are designed to deliver emails—not manage them.

The real key to email control is moving emails out of your email program and into systems that help you take action, store important information, and keep your digital life organized.

Let’s talk about where emails should go once they leave your inbox.

The Indie Author’s Scam Survival Guide: How to Spot, Avoid, and Outsmart the Predators

Indie publishing is booming, which means writers have more control over their careers than ever before. But with opportunity comes risk—and scammers are circling like sharks in a feeding frenzy.

Every year, new scams pop up, often just repackaged versions of old ones, designed to prey on authors who are still figuring out the publishing game. Because while anyone can write a book, successfully publishing and selling one is much harder. That gap—between the dream and the reality—is where the scammers strike.

Let’s talk about how to spot them, avoid them, and protect yourself.

Murderbot is Coming to TV: Excitement, Anxiety, and a Few Questions

Like many fans of The Murderbot Diaries, I was both thrilled and deeply wary when I heard that Apple TV+ was adapting Martha Wells’ beloved series. On one hand, more Murderbot! On the other… well, adaptations are tricky, aren’t they? They can capture the heart of the source material (The Expanse), fumble it (Wheel of Time), or turn it into something unrecognizable (Foundation—which, to be fair, I ended up loving once I let go of my expectations).

Why I Jump Across So Many Romance Sub-Genres

From SRP Author Tracy Cooper-Posey: If you’ve been around my books long enough (and if you haven’t—welcome!), you might have

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