DRAGON KIN by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Once and Future Hearts. Book 2.0

Ancient Historical Fantasy Romance

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Will she become the cursed king’s fifth dead wife?

In Lesser Britain, drought grips the land, forcing Arawn, King of Brocéliande, to take a fifth wife, hoping she will be the mother of his firstborn, whom the prophecy says will break the curse and save his people.

Ilsa, daughter of a wood cutter, is brought to Lorient to wed the cold, distant Arawn, terrified she will become the king’s next dead wife.  There she learns about the true High King of Britain, Ambrosius, and his brother Uther, who build an army to take back Britain from the Saxons and Vortigern the Usurper.

Can Arawn find a way to save his people and the land that supports the future Pendragon?  Will Ilsa break the curse?

This story is part of the historical fantasy romance series, Once and Future Hearts, set in Britain during the time of King Arthur.

1.0 Born of No Man
2.0 Dragon Kin
3.0 Pendragon Rises

3.5 Once and Future Hearts Box One
4.0 War Duke of Britain
5.0 High King of Britain
6.0 Battle of Mount Badon

6.5 Once and Future Hearts Box Two
7.0 Abduction of Guenivere
8.0 Downfall of Cornwall

8.1 Touch by Maen Llia
9.0 Vengeance of Arthur

9.5 Once and Future Hearts Box Three
10.0 Grace of Lancelot
11.0 The Grail and Glory
12.0 Camlann

A Historical Fantasy Romance/Ancient Historical Romance series

This series is also available as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Historical Romance, Fantasy Romance, Romance, Novels}

~ Maps for the Series ~

Who’s Who and What’s What for the Series

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Dragon Kin
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 23 reviews
 by Marloe Scott Wilson
Gripping tale

I have not been able to put this book down and wait with bated breath to devour the next one

 by Carol Gielen
Dragon Kin

I read your story I loved it from the first it was so interesting it is a Page Turner book you can't put down. I enjoyed it very much i could read more of your stories it was a great read

 by Danelle Hills
Dragon Kin

Very interesting story, plus I like book series where characters overlap and show up with their own stories in other books within that series. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series as King Arthur's story begins and unfolds.

 by david w. gupton
dragon kin

i was impressed by this book and the previous one for the vast amount of research and writing skill involved to make these books both entertaining and believable!

 by Sally
The fifth dead queeh?

I loved this book and the one before it. I am looking fotward to the next one. The characters seem real and pull you into their stories. It contains characters from myths and reveals them in new ways. The twists and turns the story takes keep you quessing what will happen next. This is a great series that you don't want to end.

 by Priscilla
Dragon kin

Great book, quick read. Enjoyed it immensely.

 by Anne
Dragon Kin

This book & Born Of No Man, are masterful. I was captured from the start.

 by Diana
A broken curse

This author writes so beautifully. You can see the story in your eye and feel the hurt, pain, and love in the characters. Definitely a series to read.

 by Linda
dragan kin

Excellent read. Strong characters , action , and trus love, with interesting histotical information what more could you ask for!

 by Beatriz
Historial as its finest

I first fell in love with the Arthurian cycle with Marion Zimmer Bradley when I was but a kid. Now, years later, I can appreciate the fine narrative that Tracy Cooper-Posey delivers. Bear in mind this is not the typical historical romance, it's even better. It's a slow burning story which started more than a decade ago in Born of No Man- such an interesting way to introduce Merlin, by the way. Dagon Kin is the story of the cursed King Arawn of Brocéliande and her Queen Ilse. Ilse is supposed to help Arawn broke his curse bearing his first child. At the end, this is a story of loyalty, personal growth and slow path to love. What I LOVE the most is the strong female characters and how they evolve through the book, along with the others. So, if you like the Arthurian myths and British medieval history don’t hesitate to pick up the series, we are bound to a long ride!

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“You do not understand,” Arawn replied.  “It is not simply a matter of getting an heir.  Kings are reluctant to offer me their daughters, for all my wives have died while bearing their first child.”

Uther’s smile was knowing.  “Then don’t marry a princess.  The prophecy does not insist upon it.”

Arawn thought of Mair, the last of his wives.  It had only been two years but already he had trouble recalling her young face.  “I tried that, too,” he admitted.

“Yet here we are looking for a magic spring to break the curse, instead,” Uther said.  “You will risk bringing down the power of Brocéliande upon you but you will not take a fifth wife, when one of the greatest Ladies of all history has told you that is what you must do to save your kingdom.”

Arawn shifted in his saddle, his chest clamping even harder.  “You are young, Uther.  You do not understand the challenges of a ruler.”  His tone was sharper than he intended.  Uther was brazen and his questions impertinent.  Ambrosius had thrust Uther at Arawn, to smooth out his brother’s rougher edges.  The man would not learn subtlety living in the middle of an army camp as he did in Carnac.

Uther stared at his horse’s ears and said nothing.  He was sensitive enough to know he had overstepped his bounds.

Arawn relented.  “Hunting for a spring does not bring death upon an innocent woman.”

“Perhaps the next wife you take will be the one to break the curse,” Uther said.  “You cannot know until you marry her.”

“Therein lies my quandary,” Arawn said, with a gusty sigh.  “If she is not the one…”

Uther grinned, showing white, even teeth.  “We are hunting the wrong prey today.”

“I assure you, where we are going there are no suitable wives.”

“Suitable?” Uther repeated.  “A cursed king cannot demand his next wife meet any standards.”  His smile made his eyes dance.

Arawn laughed, drawn into Uther’s mischievous mood.  “Very well, then. Any woman at all…only, she must be healthy and young enough to bear children.”

“And unmarried,” Uther said gravely.  “As you are a king, you must wed the girl to bed her.  I, of course, do not have that limitation.”

“I will not be inviting you to the wedding, then,” Arawn replied.

Uther’s laughter sent a raven flapping into the air, cawing his objection.  The other men were far behind them, now, busy with their own conversations.  Winoc was far ahead.  It was just the two of them, which let Arawn relax a little more.

“It would be nice if she was of passing prettiness,” Arawn added, warming to the subject.

“And with all her teeth, too,” Uther said.

“I’m surprised you are that choosy, Uther.”

“It is your bed we are planning to fill, not mine,” Uther replied, his tone urbane.

“Of course, she must be a maiden,” Arawn said.

“Now you are objecting purely to narrow the field to nothing,” Uther said.  “The more conditions you add, the less chance we have of finding her.”

“As I have no idea how many suitable women there are in the first place, I’m unlikely to know that adding conditions would make it an impossible task. You, of course, know every beddable woman in all three kingdoms.”

Uther smiled.  “Perhaps I prefer to wonder, like you.”

Arawn laughed at the notion.

Uther patted the neck of his war horse.  “Then we are agreed.  The first woman we come across who matches the criteria, you will wed.”

Arawn drew in a sharp breath.  “I was jesting, Uther. One does not enter a marriage with the casual approach you are suggesting.”

“Why not?  The proper approach to marriage has not served you.”

“You have not been wed–”

“And have no intention of being so bound,” Uther shot back.  “But I am not a King and have no heir to get.  You have a kingdom to save, or so I understood from your lecturing a while ago.  Do you want to save your people, or not?”

Arawn swallowed.  “Yes,” he said shortly.  “I would do anything to save them.  Look at where we are and what we do today.  I am to sprinkle spring water upon stones in hope that a miracle will occur.”

“Then why not add a wedding to your list?” Uther asked with a reasonable tone.

Arawn tried to consider the matter in the straightforward way that Uther was.  Stripped of the burden of emotions, the concept of marriage to any woman was reduced to nothing more than a step on the path to breaking the curse.  Following forms and protocol had not served him.  He had not lied–he would do anything to see his people suffer no more.  Anything.

Including this.

“Done,” Arawn said shortly.

Uther sat up.  “The first woman we find, you will wed?”

“The first young, healthy, marriable woman,” Arawn amended.

“With all her teeth, yes,” Uther finished.  He looked up at the blue sky that could be glimpsed between the trees.  “Now the day is interesting.”

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