GRACE OF LANCELOT By Tracy Cooper-Posey
Once and Future Hearts. Book 10.0
Ancient Historical Fantasy Romance

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As Camelot teeters on the brink of collapse, can love still find a way?
Lynette the Golden, granddaughter of the woman who once saved Merlin’s mother, is the newest addition to Queen Guenivere’s court. But Camelot, once a beacon of hope, is now a realm of intrigue and distrust. Mordred and his allies sow trouble, while the people suffer through droughts, plagues, and calamities that shake their faith in Arthur’s rule.
Prince Kahedin of Morbihan, known as Kai, arrives in Camelot seeking Arthur’s aid against the Saxons threatening his father’s kingdom. Instead of the fabled unity of the Round Table, he finds a court rife with discord. Only Lynette, with her radiant beauty and steadfast spirit, offers solace. Their connection is undeniable, yet Kai is bound by duty to find a royal bride, and Lynette is cautious of his associations with Mordred’s faction.
Meanwhile, Lancelot, consumed by guilt over his love for Guenivere, roams far from Camelot. When the Queen is accused of treason, Arthur, wounded by Morgan le Fey’s treachery, cannot defend her. The fate of the kingdom hangs in the balance and Kai must overcome his own beliefs and loyalties to find and convince Lancelot to return and fight for Britain’s future.
In this tenth installment of the Once and Future Hearts fantasy romance series, Grace of Lancelot weaves a tale of love, honor, and destiny amidst the fading splendor of King Arthur’s court.
This story is part of the historical fantasy romance series, Once and Future Hearts, set in Britain during the time of King Arthur.
1.0 Born of No Man
2.0 Dragon Kin
3.0 Pendragon Rises
3.5 Once and Future Hearts Box One
4.0 War Duke of Britain
5.0 High King of Britain
6.0 Battle of Mount Badon
6.5 Once and Future Hearts Box Two
7.0 Abduction of Guenivere
8.0 Downfall of Cornwall
8.1 Touch by Maen Llia
9.0 Vengeance of Arthur
9.5 Once and Future Hearts Box Three
10.0 Grace of Lancelot
11.0 The Grail and Glory
12.0 Camlann
A Historical Fantasy Romance/Ancient Historical Romance series
This series is also available as a Special Bundle
{Also see: Fantasy, Historical Fantasy, Historical Romance, Fantasy Romance, Romance, Novels}
Who’s Who and What’s What for the Series

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Yeeeeey!! Once and future hearts is back!! I'm so glad we get to continue reading this series, it's actually one of my favorites 😍. , but I'd like the most is that our Tracy is back and well and writing again ♥️
Guenivere is one of those understated and understimated characters from history that deserved its own retell in this series, I was kind of biased at the beginning, you know, her story has been pretty much told from one point of view, and among other so powerful characters, that left her lacking... but Tracy has the amazing ability of building her characters with such respect and tenderness that you have no other option than to love her. And that's it for me. If you've read the previous installments this one will be no less. I can't wait for the next one.
This was an exciting and thrilling roller coaster of a story about Lynette the Golden & Prince Kahedrin of Morbihan (Kai) in Camelot.
I was pleasantly surprised by my interest in the insights of the times, the political intrigue and the sheer brilliance of the leaders and players who manage the machinations and actions of those around them at court...war, political intrigues and conniving characters are usually something I avoid but author Tracy Cooper-Posey does a brilliant job of balancing the these elements by putting the focus on two lives being tossed around by circumstances beyond their control.
By following Lynette & Kai, who are both learning the ways of Camelot, I was drawn into the lives of King Arthur, Guenivere, Merlin, Lancelot but it was the numerous other characters (known from the other nine books in the series) that really enrich the story.
For someone like me with minimal interest in Camelot with all it's traditional characters it was glorious how thoroughly transported I felt when I reached the last line and the satisfying conclusion of Lynette & Kai's story.
For some it's the legend of King Arthur that excites them about this series but for me it's a thoroughly engrossing, beautifully written novel that has authentic characters and historical facts of the time that enrich the story.
I highly recommend the whole series and I enjoy revisiting characters common to the previous books in the series with the main characters of Camelot merely an interesting background.
Love the intrigue
Grace of Lancelot, by Tracy Cooper-Posey, is the tenth installment in her King Arthur series. I have always had and will continue to have, a profound dislike for the Arthurian legend. Unfortunately, Cooper-Posey keeps dragging me back into it with her incredible characters, great story telling, and multi-faceted plot lines. What I enjoy most is that the well-worn storyline of main characters Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere, doesn’t overpower the rest of the story. This time we see the growing intrigue of Mordred and Morgan woven through the love story of Lynette the Golden and Prince Kahedrin of Morbihan. She’s one of the Queen’s ladies, and he’s come to brings news of a rising threat of invasion by the Saxons; all set against the backdrop of natural disasters, and clash of early misguided/uninformed religious expansion with pagan beliefs. I’ll actually be sorry to see this series comes to an end, which is the highest praise someone like me (an Arthurian hater) can offer.
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“I am curious now,” Kahedin said. “You hold much knowledge in a head so small and beautiful. Tell me what else you have heard.”
Lynette drew in a breath. “It was gossip,” she admitted. “The one who told the story could not prove it. But she said that…that you had been slighted by Ireland, despite behaving most honourably while you were there, and all of Lesser Britain took insult over it. Which is why everyone was so surprised when we heard that Tristan had found a place there.”
Kahedin’s gaze shifted from her. He looked over her shoulder, in the flames dancing behind her. “Is that what they say about me?”
“It is true that you travelled to Ireland to represent Lesser Britain, isn’t it? When Arthur sent Tristan to fight for Iseult’s hand for the King of Kernow. I mean, Cornwall, which he was, then. But he is just of Kernow, now.”
Kahedin drew in a breath and let it out. He pushed a hand through his hair.
“I have troubled you. That was not my intention. But you did ask what I had heard, and I have heard that about you.”
“Yes, I did ask,” Kahedin admitted. He let out another deep breath. “The fact is true enough. There was a woman, Brangaine, a companion of Iseult’s. I would have made her my wife. But after what Tristan did, and the scandal around Iseult and the disappearance of Iseult’s brothers, Brangaine refused me. She did not want a Briton for a husband.”
“I am sorry,” Lynette said apologetically. “I did not know it was so…personal. ‘An Irish insult’ sounds far weightier than the truth.”
“It seemed weighty enough to me at the time,” Kahedin said, his deep voice rough. “I loved her.”
Lynette gripped her hands together. “Again, I can only apologize for mentioning it.”
“It happened many years ago now.” Kahedin shook his head. “There is nothing to apologize for.”
“But it still upsets you,” Lynette pointed out.
“If anything, I only feel foolish when I recall the matter now.” His gaze met hers. “Have you never wanted something so badly that you would do anything to have it, Lynette?”
She jumped, startled. She had not realized that he knew her name. “I do not think so, not in the way you describe.”
“It is a madness that grips one,” Kahedin said. He seemed to be speaking to himself more than her, for his gaze was not on her. He was looking into the past, she guessed, and perhaps regretting it. “Once you are over the madness, you cannot believe the way your mind had whispered and made you act. It was almost as if I was drunk. So, when I hear the stories about Tristan and Iseult, I do believe Tristan was not himself, for Iseult was lovelier than a summer’s day.” His gaze came back to her. “My father felt Ireland had insulted him, because he wanted Morbihan aligned with mighty Ireland by marriage.”
Lynette could not bring herself to look away from his gaze. She should have felt acute discomfort at the very personal turn the conversation had taken, but she did not. At that moment, it felt as though she had known Kahedin for years. That they were friends, who understood one another.
“I know exactly what you mean,” she whispered, her heard hammering. He had not moved from his seat upon the dirty, and his hands were locked together. There was a good long-legged pace between her knees and his, but it felt as though they were so close together, they were each breathing the air the other exhaled.
She shivered, as invisible, internal tendrils curled through her veins, stroking and rousing.
“Kai…” she breathed.
“Finally, you speak my name,” he breathed. “I would have you call me that always, fair Lynette.”
She could not control her breathing. Her chest rose and fell swiftly.
“Kahedin! My lord!” The call came from the other side of the fire. It pulled Kahedin’s attention away from her. Lynette thought it was Lugus’ voice, but she did not turn to check. She couldn’t move at all. Her limbs felt as though they had been turned to lead.
Kahedin lifted his chin, a silent command for Lugus to speak.
“It is possible the storm is lessening, sir,” Lugus said. “The men who came back with the latest batch of wood say the wind no longer drives the snow into their eyes as it was doing earlier. We could leave for Camelot.”
Kahedin got to his feet. “I will come and see for myself.”
Once he had moved around the fire, weaving between people, and was gone, still Lynette could not bring herself to move. It felt as though the smallest movement she made would break the…the magic that had seemed to envelope both of them and now warmed her more than the fire.
Then Lynette saw that Guenivere was watching her. The Queen smiled when Lynette looked at her.
And just like that, the magic was gone.
The untenable truth reinserted itself into her mind. Kahedin was a prince of a land that was not in Arthur’s favor. She could not afford to entangle herself or her family’s reputation with Morbihan’s.
But she found herself watching Kai anyway and wondering what might have been.