TIME AND REMEMBRANCE by Tracy Cooper-Posey

Kiss Across Time series. Book 7.1 

Vampire Menage Urban Fantasy Time Travel Romance Novelette

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A special story marking a moment in history…lest we forget.

On the one hundredth anniversary of Armistice Day, Jesse Hall, United States Marine and unsung hero, finds herself among a group of time-traveling vampires. She has been directed there by a century-old letter from her great-grandfather, instructing her to introduce herself with the phrase: “I’m not wearing a red shirt.”

So begins a dash through time to save a man in the very last minutes of the Great War, which in turn will save eight million other lives…

This book is part of the paranormal time travel Kiss Across Time series:
1.0: Kiss Across Time
2.0: Kiss Across Swords
2.1: Time Kissed Moments*
3.0: Kiss Across Chains
3.5: Kiss Across Time Box One
4.0: Kiss Across Deserts
5.0: Kiss Across Kingdoms
5.1: Time And Tyra Again*
6.0: Kiss Across Seas
6.5: Kiss Across Time Box Two
7.0: Kiss Across Worlds
7.1: Time And Remembrance*
8.0: Kiss Across Tomorrow
8.1: More Time Kissed Moments*
9.0: Kiss Across Blades
10.0: Kiss Across Chaos
11.0: Kiss Across the Universe
11.1 Kiss Across Memories
11.2: Even More Time Kissed Moments*
12.0: Kiss Across Forever
[*Time Kissed Moments are short stories, novellas and collections featuring the characters and situations featured in the Kiss Across Time series.]
The series has ongoing storylines and characters.  Reading the books in order is recommended.

This series is also available as a Special Bundle

{Also see: Urban Fantasy, Menage Romance, Paranormal Romance, Time Travel, Novels, Novellas.}

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Time and Remembrance
Average rating:  
 12 reviews
 by Pamela Wissenbach

Another great story by Tracy Cooper Posey. It follows along in the Kiss Across Time series but is a great read all by its self. More than that, it is an important reminder about the horrors of war, not just that experienced by soldiers but by civilians as well. Tracy Cooper-Posey has a gift for making history live enough to touch our minds and to become, just for a moment, real.

 by Dina
A loop in time will save millions

I want MORE!!!! For a novella there's a lot going on. Can a young, but heroic young woman take big step and believe in the unbelievable? The author has given us a look showing us the horrors of war and the fantasy of travelling to the past to make sure a birth occurs that will save 8 million souls in the future. A story filled not with beauty and sensual love, but with the truth and ugliness of war. If we could all learn and remember these truths, just maybe those in power would not begin another.

 by Vicki
Time and Rememberence

Once again this series just gets better and better. I can't wait to read the next one.

 by Emmai
Time & Remembrance

Thank you, Tracy, for giving us another opportunity to honor and remember all who serve(d). As usual, you’ve incorporated new facts to learn, new perspectives to ponder and new adventures to enjoy. I love Taylor, Brody and Veris and look forward to traveling in time with them again and again.

 by Heather Baxter
Time & Remembrance

Who else, other than Tracy could think to bring out a book in time to join together, with the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day? Brilliant idea, no doubt along side the other books, this one will be a brilliant read too. Can't wait.

 by Stephany
Time And Remembrance

This is a Novella that complements a very wonderful series. It fit nicely into the series and we get to see our favorite characters again.Since it is a Novella I did not expect much but the story was packed with action that kept me riveted. Thanks for a great story Tracy. I can't wait to read the next books.

 by Andrea
Time and Remembrance

This is another great read by Tracy. This series only keeps getting better. I’m looking forward to the next book in this series.

 by Rebecca
Time and remembrance

A fantastic novella in the kissed across time series, now can’t wait for the next novel

 by Audrey
Time and Remembrance-Must Read

A really great tribute for this special day. As usual Tracy knocks it out of the park with a story that is engaging from the very first page. A must read.

 by Beatriz Pardo
It's good to remember

This new volume in the series Kiss Across Time is a sneak peak into the last day of the World War I. As the very book says, it's essential we don't forget about the horrors of the war lest we repeat the same mistakes. That said, I'm very happy this series is back! I was introduced into the time travel genre by this books and they still remain my favourite ones. I just hope the characters would appear again in other books 😉

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Chapter One

Martha’s Vineyard.  November 11, 2018.

Aaron’s twin sister, Alannah, didn’t look up from her cellphone when the front door chime sounded.  “It’s your turn.”

Marit and Aaron exchanged glances.

Whose turn?” Aaron demanded, scooping up a spoonful of chili.  It was Marit’s own recipe, which she had tweaked to the point where the three of them could happily live on the stuff, it was that good.

Alannah thumbed out text.  “Mum and Far and Athair are upstairs.”  She wrinkled her nose.

So did Aaron.

“One of us has to get it and I got the door this morning,” Alannah added.

“I got lunch,” Marit pointed out.

“Fine, okay.  I’ll do it.” Aaron shoved himself to his feet.  He stalked through the kitchen to the formal, neat and tidy front foyer that no one ever used.  He wrenched the dark oak door open.

A Marine in full dress uniform stood on the tiled stoop.  She had an arm in a black sling.  In the other hand, she held an open letter.  She looked up from the letter as Aaron opened the door and tucked her cap awkwardly under her wounded arm.  There were bruises and healing cuts on her face.

“Hi,” she offerred.  Her voice was low, with a pleasant burr to it.  “This is going to sound very strange.”

“Not in this house,” Aaron told her, straightening up to his full height.  The woman was tall.

She blinked.  “Well…”  She glanced at the letter.  “Okay, here goes.  I’m not wearing a red shirt.”  She watched Aaron for his reaction and raised one brow.

Aaron reached for the door, his heart leaping.  “Holy fuck…” he breathed. “Just wait right there,” he told the Marine, gripping the edge of the door. Then he filled his lungs, turned his head and shouted.  “Mom!  Athair!  Far!  Get down here!”

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